Txt msg words get in2 exams m8

It looks like the rise and rise of text messaging is severely impacting our future generation and their ability to communicate successfully. According to several news items yesterday, including the Daily Mail, this Telegraph article and the BBC, text-...

GPRS Traffic Monitor – Now C550 Enabled!

So, you have your Windows Smartphone, you love browsing on the web in the pub and getting the latest football scores etc. But what you don't like so much are the GPRS costs. How do you keep a lid on them ? Well, thanks to Smartphone GPRS Monitor …

Vodafone Business does Windows Mobile

Oh! Check it out. Vodafone are selling Windows Mobile handsets in their Vodafone Business channel. They're offering the QTEK 2020i, the Qtek 8020 and the VPA Compact for business users right here at VodafoneBusiness.co.uk Source - Keni at Conchango Li...

Free text messaging system

We like free stuff here at CoolSmartphone.com, so I was very interested when I received a mail about AgentSMS.com. It's a worldwide "web-2-phone" system that lets you send free text messages to people. Yes, free. It pays for itself by adding a teeny-l...

Adverts? On CoolSmarPhone! Never I tells thee! Umm…

Hello ! Right. I've got a confession to make. A few months ago I went on MoDaCo and said something like.. "What the chuff are all these new links with the underlines on? They've got tool-tips with adverts! It's a disgrace I tells ya! None of this! Pa...

TV is changing – part 3

We previously did some stories on the evolution of TV here and here. Well, now it's going to go another stage further with the implementation of IPTV - a new way of pushing TV down your broadband line. Sure, we've already got something like this, but ...

Samsung i300 – Exclusive to o2, plus more to come!

We've had a chat with the nice people at o2 today and they've slipped a few press releases our way. First of all we have news on the XDA SP, which was advertised previously as the "XPhone II". It's a sweet looking Smartphone with similar specs to the …

o2 XDA Exec – Press Release

O2 INTRODUCES NEW-LOOK Xda Exec – the Ultimate Mobile PDAO2 ADDS FIRST 3G HANDHELD DEVICE TO POPULAR Xda PORTFOLIO   O2 announces the launch of the O2 Xda Exec, the first integrated PDA and mobile phone device to feature 3G, offering a complete...

o2 XDA SP – Press Release

SLIM DOWN FOR THE NEW YEARO2 launches super slim business device – the O2 Xda sp If you want to keep on top of your workload but not get weighed down by technology, this Christmas treat yourself to the O2 Xda sp – the perfect device for busy …

gStart – Customize your Start Menu!

I meant to do a write-up on this yesterday, however, here is gStart. It's a free Windows Mobile 5.0-esque start menu which is currently in Beta release form over at airfagev.com. It doesn't work too well on QVGA screens (like the Orange SPV C550), ho...

Ebay buys Skype

A good day today for Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis. They're bosses of Skype and first burst onto the scene coding Kazaa - the (still widely used) file sharing program which allows people to swap music and more. Although - hey - they're seeking to ...

Smart Explorer v2.1 now available

Want to send and receive stuff over Bluetooth ? Get Smart Explorer. End of discussion. Just get it, get it now. This is the daddy of all file-explorers for your Smartphone and deserves to be installed on every Windows Smartphone. It's shareware and it...

Orange SPV C600 – First real-life picture

Antal van Wijk from www.newmobile.nl has done it again with these exclusive shots of a real, yes real, Orange SPV C600. Antal can't reveal his sources but says it'll appear pretty soon! He says that the rumours ARE true - this device has no built-in W...

More hot games for your Smartphone. Make a weekend of it!

It's been a busy week here at CoolSmartphone towers, so after I've recorded another Podcast I'm going to go and buy me some games. Right now there's some excellent new games to buy like Banjo Kazooie, Mr Pants, SabreWulf and Zoo Tycoon 2. They've alre...

New Developers Group

If you're a developer, or interested in becoming one, you'd probably find that this new MSN group hits your favourites menu soon. Neil Cowburn of OpenNetCF fame, is already a blogger on Conchango.com and you can read more about his thoughts here. He i...

HTC Universal Reviews

Everybody is talking about the new 3G handset from HTC at the moment. Whether you call it an o2 XDA Exec, SPV M5000, T-Mobile MDA Pro or one of it's many other names, it's certainly taking the mobile world by storm. InfoSync have just done a review of...

Get Doom on your Smartphone – you deserve it!

Friday again ? Already ? Right, time for a bit of fun. I wrote an article a few years ago about Doom - y'know, the pioneering 3D Shoot-em-up. Back then getting Doom running on your Smartphone was a tricky prospect at times. Now however it's easier and...

Motorola ROKR

Just read the story on the new Motorola iTunes phone over at Keni's Blog. Keni has an excellent blog and it's well worth a read, so take a click or two when you've got time. He raises some very good points.. "Why is that Microsoft can release an …

TV is changing – part 2

I mentioned yesterday about the new Sky TV widget called the Sky Gnome. It's a fantastic idea, and welcomed, but it's the stepping stone onto something bigger. Wherther you've noticed or not, the way we're watching TV is changing by each passing day. ...

The biggest thing possible in your trousers

I'm a busy flippin' bunny today. You should see the sweat pouring out of me as I beaver away on these news stories. One story I've been meaning to post something about is Microsofts' Virtual Earth. It's been available to browse on your PC for a bit (I...