Just to let you guys know that the Orange SPV C550 is now back in stock PAYG on the Orange website. Many of you will know that it has been showing as Out of Stock for the last couple of weeks or so after the huge demand when …
See this ? It's called a Sky Gnome. It's gonna be available soon and won't bump up the cost of your Sky TV. It runs on batteries and connects via wi-fi to your Sky box. It'll let you listen to the wide variety of radio stations available on …
Check out the new o2 XDA Exec in this months edition of Stuff Magazine (UK) where it gets rave reviews. Such a shame o2 aren't promoting it much.. ermm.. at all .. on their website... :( Come on o2.. get in touch! Tell us of your plans! Stuff …
Has anyone got about 600 quid right now ? It appears that a lot of people have, because - as I type - the number of "available handsets" showing on this expansys.com page have dropped from 877 to 866 !! If you're wadded (loaded / minted / in …
A couple of interesting devices have appeared here at eten.ch. The Eten M500 runs on Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 SE and has a camera with flash. However, there's also an upcoming Eten M600 which is due to go on sale any day now (right) running Windo...
The internet never really ceases to amaze me. The guys over at PDA 24/7 did an interview the other day with John Phillips, who's the head of Business Development for Astraware. It's a very good interview and well worth checking out. John even manages ...
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Astraware have just sent me this press release. It's good to see that there's some Smartphone people sending in entries too! Even if they are of ..err.. cows.. :)--------------It's week 4 of our Play Anywhere and Win contest and the fourth set of entr...
Looks like o2 Germany are about to start selling the HTC Wizard if this article is anything to go by. This o2 Press Release states that the German carrier will launch the device as the o2 Xda Mini S (no, not the one made by BMW). The Wizard …
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A couple of weird stories I've picked up on today which I can't make sense of. Firstly, Liam Billington told me about this rather strange Inquirer article, which talks about ... "(Orange) will release a version of its SPV C550 smartphone featuring Wi...
Antal van Wijk from NewMobile.nl has just emailed me about a couple of new handsets from iMate. Yes, you heard right... more new handsets. They're coming from every angle at the minute and I'm extremely happy to say that it's almost difficult to keep ...
You know about this device by know.. surely!? Well,vit's the HTC Universal. It's going to be sold on o2 as the XDA Exec, on Orange as the SPV M5000, on T-Mobile as the MDA Pro and i-Mate as the JASJAR. Well, know Qtek are getting in on the …
A rather interesting bit of CoolSmartPhone promotion over at MSMobiles.com today (wehay!) in this article. The MDA Pro is shown here browsing CoolSmartPhone.com in both "portait" and "landscape" formats. There's still a little bit of scrolling needed,...
Aye up, here we go again. Yet more news on the Orange SPV C600. We covered this on July 24th when SmartphoneFrance.info had a grainy photocopy of the handset. Now however we have a full colour graphic. The phone itself looks like a mix of the previous...
Here it is people, the o2 Xda Exec. Available this month on o2. It's the "latest and most advanced evolution of the Xda family" and it's.. yes, the HTC Universal again. We can now add this to the increasing list of brand-names - T-Mobile MDA Pro, Oran...
Following our earlier story, there's a great review by AWarner of Midtown Madness 3 over here at MoDaCo.com. He says of the game.."Initially I found the controls took time to get used to, but with a bit of practise the basic movement with the controll...
Full specs of the HTC Universal (SPV M5000 / T-Mobile MDA Pro / i-Mate JASJAR) are now available. They can be found below (click "Read more" if you need), or you can check them out at the source here at Club iMate It's a sure sign that this …
According to this Smartphonethoughts.com story, the Motorola Q could well be appearing on Verizon Wireless in Q1 2006. The news comes from a conference and a Motorola rep ... "Everything that I've read about the Moto Q has talked about a GSM device....
Whilst looking for more information on the o2 X-Phone II I found the seeo2.com website, which has a plethora of handsets - all made by HTC (oh how I wish I'd bought some shares in THAT company a few years ago!). The handsets sell mostly in the Asia-Pa...