TomTom 5 for Pocket PC

I'm always saying that it's the CoolSmartPhone members who make this site what it is. Yes you lot - all 191,661 of you at the last count. Take this article by Findlay Colquhoun - a very well written item about his experiences with TomTom 5 after upgra...

Pantech PH-S8000T debuts in Korea

Pantech have launched their PH-S8000T handset in Korea today. Running an Intel Bulverde 400Mhz the handset, which has an innovative tilt and twist screen, comes with a mega-pixel camera and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. Sung-Kyu Lee, President...

Get a bag full of games for a meesly price!

Eh up! There's a fantastic 40% off 1-GameBag right now. "What's that?", I hear you cry? Well, it's not one, not two but eight addictive full priced games for one tiny price! There's the classic Invaders (pictured right), plus Pong, Dominoes, Checkers ...

Orange SPV M500 – For Sale on

Marked up at £99.99 on this page at, the M500 is a PocketPC on a diet. It's a tri-band Pocket PC Phone with a 1.3 Mega pixel camera. Click here for a full list of features or, if you want to get some excellent deals on this …

Dutch C500 Update

Marcel Alberts has just emailed me about this Dutch SPV C500 update. I can't see a direct link with the Orange Netherlands site, however this update has been delivered to the website first because Orange Netherlands take their commu...

TomTom Problems with the C500 update?

I've received a load of emails about the update to the C500 and the problems it causes with the Bluetooth communication needed for TomTom Mobile 4 and 5. It would appear that some problems can be sorted by doing this (read last comment) or by followin...

Orange SPV C550 Official Press Release and Specs

We've just received the official release information from Orange on the SPV C550. The Press Release and super-jumbo sized pictures of the new phone can be found below (click "Read More"). We also have a specification sheet, which you can download by l...

Opera now works on the SPV C500!

More great news for you lot today - The new version of Opera 8 is now available which will actually work on the Orange SPV C500! You may remember our earlier story which promised this fix, so check it out here and give this browser a try. Make …

Orange SPV C550 – Read your views!

Some of you lucky lot have managed to get your hands on the brand spanking new Orange SPV C550 we mentioned yesterday. You've already been sending in your views on it, and James @ TekTar has taken pictures of the C550 alongside his C500. This article ...

Preview of Orange SPV C550

A quick peek at the new silver C550 is available here at The article goes over the C550 and tells you what's in the box. There's an included 128Mb MiniSD card, which is good - plus it's definitely selling in the silver colour. More...

Hands-free kits cause accidents too!?

An interesting news item here which quotes research done in Australia showing that hands-free kits don't reduce the risk of having a crash. In fact, they're still four times more likely to have a prang even with a hands-free kit! Researchers questionn...

Abidia Wireless for Smartphone 3.0.2: Discount 30% off!

Abidia Wireless for Smartphone 3.0.2 now has an amazing 30% off! For just £15.77 you too can become an eBay wizard!Click here for more info.Abidia Wireless enhances the eBay and international eBay sites with effortless, anytime, anywhere, access via ...

11x Free 3GP Videos

 50cent_just-a-lil-bit.3gp   akon_lonely.3gp   Ashanti_Dont-Let-Them.3gp   Ben-Adams_Sorry.3gp   Bodyrockers_I-Like-The-Way.3gp   chemical-brothers_the-boxer.3gp   elton-john_electricity.3gp ...

Orange SPV M500 Now available in UK too!!

Following up our hot news about the release of the Orange SPV C550 we now bring you some spectacular offers on the teeny-weeny Pocket PC Phone - the Orange SPV M500 ! We've teamed up again with our great partners to offer these tremendous deals so tak...

TomTom Mobile 5 – Review en route !

Get it ? Review "en route" ? Eh ? EH?! Oh.. I'm wasted me, I tell ya - I could write for The Sun. This, my friends, is the infamous TomTom Mobile 5. I say "infamous" because it still - apparently - takes a minimum of 5 weeks …

Krome Spy goes on sale in Australia

Ok, so you know by now that Windows Mobile Phones and Pocket PC's are known as lots of different names around the world. Usually, a company called HTC in Taiwan make them, then they get badged by various networks and providers and sold on. Well, meet ...

Orange SPV C550 – Now available to the UK

The brand-spanking new Orange SPV C550 is available to you guys right NOW - no pre-orders, this is the real deal. We've been bugging our mates at for quite a bit, and now we've managed to get some great deals out of them. I know m...

UK Orange SPV C500 Update – AT LAST!

The long, long awaited update for the Orange SPV C500 is now available to download here which adds Windows Media Player 10, MP3 ringtones, ringtones from your SD card plus compatibility with the THB car kit. Grab the direct download here - don't forge...

SPV C550 @ Orange Netherlands Online Shop

In an update to our earlier story we now have confirmation that the Orange SPV C550 is available online for customers in the Netherlands. Just click here for more information. Unfortunately we still haven't seen a C550 in a shop here in the UK yet, bu...

Opera will fix their browser for C500

Remember this news story from last week? Well, Opera has finally come out of beta - however it didn't seem to load on SPV C500's at all. Oh dear. Opera have now identified the problem and announced a fix for it, which should be available as a complete...