If you're a fan of the ITV show "Hells Kitchen" then it's definitely worth checking out this limited-time offer. Right now, thanks to CoolSmartPhone member "Doofus" you can get your hands on an exclusive remix of the theme tune here in our downloads s...
Stuff Magazine have now posted this photograph - believed to be the first quality shot of the phone - on the web. The handset can now be seen much more clearly, and - after getting my hands on a T-Mobile SDA for a few minutes today - it's …
Yes, top UK gadget magazine Stuff have the Orange SPV C550 in their sweaty mitts and have a "first thoughts" article online here. In the article Adam Vaughan states... "First thoughts: it's heavier, bigger and seemingly a bit slower on the menus tha...
Remember this story we ran recently ? We mentioned news on the Orange SPV C600 and the fact that it'd have Windows Mobile 2005. We also mentioned that it'd be out in June. Now.. let's step back a few months to this story. Remember the "Orange 3G SPV" …
Arne over at theunwired.net (it used to be called PPCW.net) has these pictures of the upcoming Orange SPV C550. The design itself now appears pretty similar to that of the Orange SPV C500 albeit with a few buttons and a funky logo on the back. With ru...
More and more rumours and gossip now surrounds the Mobile and Edmbedded DevCon 2005 at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA soon. The conference will be held between May 9-12, 2005 and - according to many rumours from our members and even ...
22 Free 3GP videos available now at SmartphoneVideo.com: 50cent-candy-shop.3gp (free) destinyschild_girl.3gp (free) the-game_how-we-do.3gp (free) Gwen-Stefani_Hollaback-Girl.3gp (...
Vodafone have confirmed that their customers are to get the Motorola MPx220 very soon. Their media centre is now displaying the handset complete with a customized Vodafone homescreen here. The revelation comes after our earlier story and then through ...
A big thank-you to the support guys at our hosting company today, who've helped to sort the memory issues some of you may have noticed with CoolSmartPhone.com. This is due to heavy usage - we're now bigger than ever before and the site was extremely a...
MoDaCo are reporting that a UK version of the recent French SPV C500 update is coming very very soon indeed! It's so close that MoDaCo say it's "IMMINENT". More details here.
Following our first ever CoolSmartPhone"Cast" this week I've been contacted by Scott Peterson. Hey said in an email... "I'm checking out your new podcast. Very cool! I'm so glad we now have an audio version of your content as well. I'm a big fan of yo...
Hmm.. this seems almost too good to be true, but apparently, according to MobilesWork.com you can get an MPx or an Mpx220 - or another pre-release handset as a free gift !!! The catch ? Well, you have to refer 5 other people to their site and they …
LingvoSoft have emailed me to offer CoolSmartPhone readers a fantastic deal on their software. To receive this discount, simply enter the exclusive gift certificate code "MY8UZPF7M4" in 'Add Gift' field of the shopping cart. With the addition of these...
Motorola Cellular Response Centre (UK) have confirmed via this email that the Motorola MPx220 is ...... "...in shipping to Virgin Mobile and Vodafone stores and should be released for sale within the next few weeks." Blimey! This handset has struggle...
Ok, following on from the first ever CoolSmartPhone"Cast" I can now announce that the hastily botched-together XML / RSS feed is now online and ready to rock. So, if you're already drooling with excitement and can't wait for the next CoolSmartPhone au...
The upgrade to a full 1Gig of memory is now complete, which means that CoolSmartPhone can now handle more visitors than ever before. I'm still working on the cookie login system, this should be live very soon! I also had an email in from Neil Deadman ...
Over at MoDaCo today there's an interview with the developer of top shoot-em-up Eclipse (available here). If you wanna have a read of the transcript with head honcho "Muff" just click here. While we're on the subject of Muff, here's an intreresting st...
It's been a really big day for news today, so it's no surprise to see another big announcement - Skype is coming to the Smartphone. Yes, co-founder and CEO Niklas Zennstrom reported that a mobile version of Skype - for Embedded Linux, Symbian and Wind...
Well, it's by no means a "polished production", but it's my first valiant effort into the realms of Podcasting and it's now online :) I'm going to construct a page containing these PodCasts, which will be roughly 15-30 minutes long each, but for now y...
A strange guy wearing a long coat and a fake beard met me in a park today. After exchanging code-words, he passed me a piece of paper with this scribbled on it... - C550 will be launched in May - Orange will roll-out EDGE across the full UK …