I see that MSMobiles have picked up on the new version of Homescreen Designer. This piece of software is without doubt the best way to design a funky homescreen for your phone. If you want to see it in action, just click here. The new version fixes so...
A tastic new game from Elements Interactive hits the streets today and you can buy or try it here. It's a classic arcade-esque side-scrolling space shoot-em-up and features a unique level every time you play, powerups, radar, multiple bosses, weapon ...
Quick update, we've now moved again! We're now located in California and have an even bigger server this time, with room to play with both bandwidth-wise and storage-wise. If you're reading this and are having trouble logging in, it may be worth tryin...
Just when you think you've got a funky phone, along comes someone with an even better one. Step forward XCute Mobile Corp, who've produced this digital movie camera / 3 mega-pixel digital still-camera / DVD player (with TV-out!) / MP3 / phone combo ! ...
Looks like Vodaphone have grabbed themselves 5.4m more customers in the last quarter of 2004. However, the actual spending of their user-base is down and the "ARPU figure" (ARPU stands for "average revenue per user" fell. Hmmmm.. sounds like they coul...
Lekus from MoDaCo.com posted this interesting news story about the excellent free movie player - Betaplayer. This excellent utility allows you to play AVI, MPEG and even squished down DVD movies! "I just noticed that a download for BetaPlayer 0.5 STAB...
Stop the world, I want to get off. Yes, not content with annoying everyone with 30 adverts per hour featuring "the crazy frog ringtone" on most Music TV channels, it would appear that they've now remixed it and plan to release it on CD. Chris Moyles p...
CoolSmartPhone member Wez (hi Wez), emailed in about a great deal he's spotted on MiniSD cards here at MobyMemory.com. At the moment they're only £119.99 for a whole GIG! Each card comes with a 5 year manufacturers warranty and 14-day money-back guar...
The new version of SmartPhoneTV.com that has just been launched. SmartPhoneTV.com can officially claim that they are now the worlds largest video site for mobile phones. They now cater in wmv, mpg and 3gp videos (which the newer windows smartphones pl...
Youssof emailed in with info on the proposed release date of the MPx220 on Vodaphone in the UK. Hopefully we may even see the MPx ... "I got this message from Vodafone and thought u might like to see it. I sent them a question concerning the MPX's …
A few weeks ago Engadget.com caused a right kerfuffle by publishing news on Windows Mobile 2005 (Magneto). The text itself wasn't too damaging, but the screenshots were, and Engadget received a nice letter from MS lawyers asking them to remove the art...
For those of you who don't know, there's an incredibly useful website on the net called The Wayback Machine. It works by allowing you to browse old versions of websites which have been either cached or saved on a couple hundred modified servers situat...
After blinging it up today, I couldn't help but notice a very sexy homescreen which features the photo plugin I mentioned a few days back. This time kl1wdr has switched the picture directory on his homescreen to "Storage Card/My Documents/My Photos" s...
I've been tweaking around with the XML feeds here at CoolSmartPhone. To get the full range of XML feeds that are now available, just click here. I've had a few emails regarding the previous feed, which included my blog. People don't tend to want to in...
Flux Challenge is new from PDAMill. It's a very nice 3D racing game which has already graced the Pocket PC. Now the magnetic racing action comes to the Smartphone in this new beta version. Direct link for download can be found here. Any findings, bugs...
The Sagem MyS-7 is already around in France and now comes with an upgrade featuring the all-new Windows Media Player 10. This new version allows users to play music protected by Microsoft's DRM and brings increased usability. You can grab this upgrade...
An updated ROM for the iMate SP3 can be found here at clubimate.com It features... - The Tao Group Java Client is now included- With the wired headset, you can now reject an incoming call by pressing and holding the “answer” button for 2 second...
If you're reading this then it means that we've successfully shifted to our new hosted server in the USA. My attempt at upgrading the site to a new version of it's Content Management System had to be aborted as it just couldn't take the load. This is ...
I'm currently working like a nutter to get the new CoolSmartPhone.com site online, however I'm definitely going to check out"Explode Arena SP". It's a fantastic 2D game featuring smooth blending and particle effects, plus it comes with addictive gamep...
Well hello, what's this? Yes, yet another innovative plugin for your smartphones' homescreen. This time, it's free, and allows your phone to display photos taken with your inbuilt camera. Called PhotoPlug, the plugin scans your '\storage\my documents'...