Site move..

If you're reading this then it means that we've successfully shifted to our new hosted server in the USA. My attempt at upgrading the site to a new version of it's Content Management System had to be aborted as it just couldn't take the load. This is ...

Explode Arena

I'm currently working like a nutter to get the new site online, however I'm definitely going to check out"Explode Arena SP". It's a fantastic 2D game featuring smooth blending and particle effects, plus it comes with addictive gamep...

More homescreen innovations – Photo Plugin

Well hello, what's this? Yes, yet another innovative plugin for your smartphones' homescreen. This time, it's free, and allows your phone to display photos taken with your inbuilt camera. Called PhotoPlug, the plugin scans your '\storage\my documents'...

Cingular re-affirm their commitment to Windows Mobile phones

Cingular talk here about their continuing commitment to Windows Mobile devices in 2005 and firmly put the Motorola MPx220 and Audiovox SMT5600 in their 2005 portfolio. Details from this article include details of the existing phones on C... – This is gonna be huge

Unless I'm going mad, I'm certain that GIF plugins (which allow animations on the homescreen of your phone) have been tried before, but they always had one major drawback - they'd suck your battery life. However, the guys at have naile...

100 Homeskins for

kleinweder, the Smartphone home-skin master, is about to break the 100 home-screen barrier. Kleinweder is responsible for some of the greatest and best designed home-screens on the internet and bow he's even added an instructions page so you guys know...

Samsung SCH-i730 comparison shots have some shots here of the Samsung SCH-i730 Pocket PC phone. It'll have a slide-up QWERTY keyboard (by the way, I typed in "QWERTY" incorrectly about three times before getting it right.. how can that happen?!?!), and it'll run on CDMA ...

The SDA Eurotel.. The T-Mobile SDA, but different.

It's the SDA isn't it ? Well, yeah.. but it's called the SDA Eurotel.. for now. Seen here it'll probably soon be named the T-Mobile SDA anyway as EuroTel Slovakia will soon be known as T-mobile Slovakia. Janci, who emailed me about this, also mentione...

QTek 8010 Update –

There's an update for QTek 8010 owners here at According to the site... "This update is only for Swedish sold Qtek 8010 with software version To check what version you have press Start>Settings>About, you find the information unde...

MPx220 is available in Switzerland

kl1wdr has posted an item on German super-forum about the arrival of the Motorola MPx220 in Switzerland. He's taken some pictures of it in the shop here. The MPx220 has had it's share of issues, which hopefully have been resolved now. The...

Hard work ahead..

Over the next few days and weeks I'm going to be undertaking what'll probably be the biggest change for this website in it's history. This is an absolutely monolithic task and I may be a bit slow in replying to emails from you guys, for which I apolog...

Windows Mobile Phone goes 3G

Looks like the Windows Mobile phone is going 3G. A CDMA-based (3G, basically) Samsung i645 appeared this week at CES in Las Vegas. Powered by Windows Mobile 2003 Section edition, this handset also has a built-in 1.0 Megapixel camera. Full details can ...

Smartphone to not be called Smartphone any more?

So, what am I to do ? It would appear that Microsoft are to phase out the "Pocket PC" and "Smartphone" brands, and instead head into "Windows Mobile" territory. But what does this mean? Will I need to rename the site.. ? ? S...

ActiveSync 3.8 is out

ActiveSync has always been the tool Smartphone users use for linking their phone to their PC. It synchronises your data, your contacts, your inbox and calendar plus much more. Microsoft have now released the next version of ActiveSync, predictably cal...

Bill Gates and his Smartphone

At CES (Consumer Electronics Show, it's a gadget show in Las Vegas), Bill Gates made his keynote speech. It heavily emphasised the Windows Media experience and the wide range of devices and places that support it. For the Smartphone section, Bill used...

Cingular and Microsoft Deliver New Windows Mobile-Based Devices

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cingular Wireless and Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT - News) today announced that they plan to make the powerful experience familiar on desktops available to users through more Windows Mobile(TM)-based device...

HTC Typhoon – taking over the world bit by bit… :)

Tomas in Prague has emailed in about the infamous HTC Typhoon, which is now selling on Czech provider Eurotel here. It'll be known this time as the Eurotel Smartphone II, and it adds yet another alias to the probably the most successful Windows Powere...

Dr. Neil’s SMS Utils – New Version

We've already raved about Dr. Neil's SMS Sender and Tools previously, and now a new spangly version of the much-improved SMSUtils application is now available for download from here. This version fixes a number of known issu...

TomTom fix

Some people (who I must give full credit to for sending this in, but I don't have everyones' email to hand), including Richard Norris and others, have mentioned that they found it difficult to connect the TomTom GPS box to their C500. This is only the...