Stolen skins

How's about this for a bit of theft? Yes, according to the website... " has compiled a few trendy "skins" (home screen savers) for your smartphone on this freebee page dedicated to all of those who have purchase smartphones...

Motorola MPx gets stamped

I've lost count now.. I think about 700 people have asked, "when is the Motorola MPx coming?". Well, the short answer is.. dunno. Soon. Crap answer isn't it? "Soon mate". However, it could be "very soon" now because the FCC have now given it their st...

Win an Orange SPV C500 and more with the Paper Film Festival

Neil just emailed me about the Orange Paper Film festival. It's a very interesting idea where you download paper chararacters (y'know, those characters from the Orange adverts) and backdrops, then film the characters on your phone and send them in! Th...

Why the price difference ?

Benn has emailed in with a very interesting and valid point. DVD to Smartphone, which we've raved about here already is on sale for a mere £12.99 ($24.99 / €18.82) in our shop here. However, the Orange software shop, run by Handango. are selling ...

Voq comes to Canada

Voq Professional Phone™ makes its Canadian debut Cellcom Wireless and Uptown Communication House work with Sierra Wireless to deliver the Voq Professional Phone to the Canadian market. Sierra Wireless announced that the Voq Professional P...

SmartNotes Source Code Sale

CoolSmartPhone can exclusively announce that the author of SmartNotes (Mark Davison) is seeking a buyer to continue development of this application. The successful purchaser will get: - The full source code for the application (VB)- The full customer ...

Another day, another new name for the HTC Typhoon (C500)

That HTC built Typhoon gets around more than Jordan at the minute. It's already known as the Orange SPV C500, the Audiovox SMT 5600, the Dopod 565, iMate etc etc etc.. now, now it's got yet another badge on it and yet another name - this time in …

SmartNotes Price Drop

The price of Smartnotes, which is an excellent utility which enables you to create / edit notes on your PC, then access them via the Programs menu on your phone, has now dropped to just $10 - that's about £5.18. Check the link below for screen sho...

Orange SPV M2000 gets official launch

The Pocket PC Phone Orange SPV M2000 was officially launched today by Orange. It's built again by HTC (the "HTC Blue Angel") and is also known as MDA III, O2 XDA IIs and iMate PDA2K. It's got a slide-out keyboard and a while lot more. The full press …

Dozy robber gets caught by his camera phone

Doah! Think you're having a bad day ? Well, at least you're not as stupid as David Kelly, who decided to rob a local estate agents. Driving down to the estate agents, in his OWN car, he proceeded to wave a hammer at staff and claim that it …

MPx220 Coming to o2 – December 13th

As we hurtle toward Christmas, what could be better than confirmation that yet another Windows Mobile Smartphone will be launching in the UK ? Well, the Motorola MPx220 will, according to my sources (they live in the cardboard boxes behind mobile phon...

SmartPhoneChatter Competition

Tong has emailed me (Who ? Pete Tong ? Ramalama ding-dong? .. oh, no.. different person.. it's Tong Zhang, the webmaster of the site below) to say that his new US-based Smartphone site / forum, is hosting a three-week giveaway ev...

Another name for the T-Mobile SDA

OK, so you know the deal by now. An until-recently-fairly-unknown company called HTC makes the handsets, then the network plonk their badges on and call it their own... or other companies if you want. Heck, if the network pays enough they can change t...

Quit smoking with your Smartphone

If, like people I know, you smoke, but deep down you'd like to stop - then "My Last Cigarette" may help. It's (rather unsurprisingly) a piece of software to help you stop smoking for good. Plus, with smoking likely to be banned from many places, and t...

Even Smarter Smartphones!

This Register story reports on a new breed of smartphones which will, in the future, predict where you're going and who you'll meet. The original news release comes from the New Scientist and details of "what could be" are quite interesting... "The Ne...

The C500 is out on Pay As You Go!

Orange shops have launched C500 on pay as you go at £149.99. Hurraaa! :) Although it's not on the Orange website as I type, I've had it on very good authority that the phone is available now on PAYG!

Antivirus software for your Smartphone

Yup, you guessed it, this app will protect your Windows Smartphone against viruses and tojans. Airscanner® Mobile Antivirus has already been out on the Pocket PC, but now it's here for the Smartphone. Airscanner® is the world’s market leader in Wi...

Today I have mostly Skyped…

What is Skype and what does it do ? Well, it used to allow people to make free calls to each other over the internet - provided you were on-line and had a microphone and some speakers ready. Now however it's got "SkypeOut" added, which lets you call …

iMate SP3i vs MPx220

The iMate SP3i (available here) and the MPx220 (available here) are featured in this photo shoot-out, so if you want to get up close on these phones, have a browse! Source -

The return of the SMT 5600!

It seems that the Audiovox SMT 5600 is down, but by no means out. We'd always suspected that Cingular, after swallowing up AT&T, would test and re-introduce the Windows-Powered Audiovox SMT 5600 - now this story seems to support it. As yo...