More bad news from the USA about the MPx220. The volume on the handset appears to be causing many users to return the phone and now some stores are beggining to cease selling them. It's another blow for the MPx220 handset, which is the successor to th...
I've been lucky enough to get my hands on a MiTAC Mio 8390 handset for a short while. The Mio is on sale in Taiwan and elsewhere and is now being distributed in the UK by The Mio runs Windows Mobile 2003 on a very nippy Intel …
Essentially both the Orange SPV C500 (Europe) and the AudioVox SMT 5600 (USA) are the same handset and they're getting some excellent coverage across the web at the moment. However, I'm annoyed to see the silly "bad points" mentioned in some web revi...
I've just added a recent submissions page which will show you the latest 100 file additions. These are the very freshest downloads in our downloads section. This is designed to complement the existing Top 100 Downloads. Both of these will show you how...
This is a fantastic utility which includes... 1. Countdown: Tells you how much time is left in days, hours, minutes and seconds for a particular event (say Christmas). Enter any holiday or event date. Default is Christmas. 2. Date Difference: Comput...
After our roaring review of DVD to Smartphone, Greg Rawlings has emailed in about PocketDivXEncoder, which encodees video into a size and format suitable for playing eaily with the excellent free Betaplayer, which is a free video-viewing util fot your...
Martyn Hardacre has spotted this EBay auction which is selling a 512Mb MiniSD card for £55. It's branded as ATP and comes from a German Power-seller. I've purchased a digital camera from Germany recently over EBay and I can vouch for the quality of...
Orange have just released an upgrade for SPV C500 users - and guess what? It fixes that gaming issue we mentioned in our review here (note, this has now been amended following this fix), so now there's absolutely NOTHING to stop you from buying one of... report today on the new Orange "push" email service, which drives emails down to handsets rather than emails being retrieved manually by users. Orange have chosen Smartner to do this with their "Duality" software and are keen to point out ...
We've featured Mavec before, but it's flippin' good and we like it. Mavec is a multi-user game for Windows Mobile 2003 owners and allows you to adventure around the virtual world, then syncronise with a central server and meet others. The new version...
This is pretty good - a new "locate any mobile" service which costs just 5 quid a month and includes... - Locate service on up to 5 mobile phones - Cost per additional mobile - 50p per month - Includes 10 Location Requests per month - Includes 10 …
Looks like MobileJoe have found a way to security unlock the SDA - and possibly other HTC phones (such as the SPV C500, Audiovox 5600) - this story (translated) explains how it's done. It looks like some registry tweaking, so if you do th...
At last, the guys at Agile have released version 3 of their excellent multi instant-messenger client for the Smartphone. You can download the appropriate version here (2003 or 2002). It's a Beta, but bugger that - just install the frigger. :) As we m...
Good to see that Motorola finally getting around to announcing the reatil availablility of their MPx220 handset (which we've already seen announced by Microsoft and AT&T earlier this week). Their press release can be read here or below.New Motorol...
Yet more praise about this excellent software following this earlier story. This time from Ravi Patel.."2 of my mates have gone out to get the phone after seeing Pulp Fiction playing on my SPV C500. One even paid off his contract (£100) for the pri...
Yes, here it is, ready for download. Grab this CAB file, copy it across to your phone and then run it (with SmartExplorer or any other file explorer) on your phone. This will install the first version of Opera ever seen for the Windows Mobile Phone. H...
Looks like the camera issue with the MPx220 is still a major topic of conversation. We've now got showing actual pictures taken with this phone, which all appear to be blurry when zoom is used. Whilst some of this can be put down to the u...
You may have already read my well deserved praise of DVD to Mobile (Smartphone Edition). Well, it gets even better. DVD to Mobile works along with the bloody brilliant BetaPlayer (available here) - a free and rather splendid movie-player with wide-scr...
Yup, the SPV C500 is travelling across the water to the new world. America will now get the Audiovox SMT5600 - for this is what it is known as over there - on AT&T Wireless. A full Press Release will be posted here soon, but AT&T Wireless themselves …
Orange are to launch their range of 3G handsets in 2005, according to this PC Advisor article. Orange CEO Sanjiv Ahuja spoke at the Etre technology conference in Cannes... "There's a lot of hype in the industry around convergence but more often than...