At last, the official Samsung Windows Mobile 2003 upgrade for Verizon customers is available here. This is the first time ever that any operator has launched a completely new version of the operating system for the Smartphone, not just an patch or upg...
Nokia, who don't do any Windows Mobile-based handsets, face fresh problems. Nokia themselves are now warning that their own earnings would fall further in 2004 as rivals attack its core business. This will send their stock down 17 per cent. This is No...
Yes, have received a newer, more Motorola-esque ROM for the Motorola MPx200. Up until know it's been near impossible (apart from this earlier ROM), to get 2003 on your Moto. If you're after Windows Mobile 2003 and you don't mind the cons...
Nah, I'm not previewing it (like I'd be THAT lucky!), but we have an article from here. It's all in German, so there's a Babelfish translation here for you. The review and some other reports state that the MPx220 will be available in T...
My bruv asked me what phone was best to upgrade to - naturally I said the E200, as he wants one NOW and doesn't want to wait. However, he's been to around 10 mobile phone shops and couldn't get one. In fact, in order to upgrade for free …
I must confess to not saying enough about the Samsung i600 Windows Smartphone. Mainly because I've only ever touched one twice (they're not available here in Europe). However, the Verizon Windows Mobile 2003 Upgrade image is now online here at Inetron...
Ohh the Motorola MPx220.. We're being toyed with. Everyone seems to have it apart from us.. boo hoo! :) This time, there's yet another video of the MPx220, this time with Lutzh in a cap doing a weird web-cam fondling session... uuuuggghhhh... we feel ...
PRESS RELEASE New software turns phones into pocket DVD players Amsterdam, July 14th, 2004 Dutch software company Makayama today released ‘DVD to Mobile (Smartphone Edition)’. This software lets users convert a DVD to a Smart...
First up, I gotta say thanks to the ... 18 people who've contributed (see this earlier story) to the up-keep of the site. It means a LOT, and I hope that a couple more of you good peeps could do the same :)Anyway, enough of my grovelling.. The …
So, as you know the Orange SPV C500 is *just* around the corner. In fact, according to my sources it's due to arrive in August. Now, thanks to our friends at FoneTastic Mobile, you can put your name down for one if you're thinking of getting one. Don'...
We've got some great news from our partners at ClickGamer. Right now, to celebrate the fact that PDAMill Smartphone games are now available, everything except Snails retails at just $2.95, which is about £1.58 EACH! - A complete bargain!! Here is t...
I thought I'd mention this handset. It runs on the Smartphone OS, but with it's own front-end. It's a little like the Neonode in the sense that it isn't running Windows Mobile 2003, it's just based on the the back-end workings of it. The handset look...
I'm back in England and at the moment I'm testing out the recently re-launched Fosters Export. Now, as you know, there's lots of rumours about the new handsets coming out soon which run the Windows Mobile operating system which is found in the existin...
Ermm.. woo! At last! Err.. the Windows Mobile 2003 OS is now available here. You need to do a bit of twiddling to get it working, depending which language you want. Get more info or the image itself here at Don't forget that if you do g...
At the mintute over at the CoolSmartPhone software shop there's a massive 60% OFF selected products until mid July. This sale includes two Smartphone games that are well worth considering. Firstly there's the "3D Motor Racing Game Pack", which becaus...
To celebrate the fact that Orange have now released the SPV M1000 Pocket PC phone to consumer connections (Orange previously only sold to business customers), we can now offer these fantastic deals in association with our friends at FoneTasticMobile.c...
We likes Orange we does. They're bloody good. They brought us the Smartphone (with a bit of help from Microsoft) and we like the lady on the answer phone. She's nice. So, you know that there's only one 3G network here in the UK ? They call themselves...
There's a good interview here with Ya-Qin Zhang, who is the Vice President of Mobile and Embedded Devices at Microsoft. The interviewer (from throws some challenging questions, particularly concerning the early versions of the Smartphone OS...
It looks like the Amena and Microsoft have joined together to launch a Smartphone in Spain. It appears that the MPx200 will be launched first, along with the Pocket PC XDA II. Details are sketchy at present as I only have Babelfish (Altavista) transl...
I know a lot of you have heard about and the various things that have been said in the past. However, it's hard to deny that they're are always incredibly fast with the latest news and goings-on where the Windows Mobile platform is conce...