Windows Mobile + Motorola – Changing mobile phones forever!

Over at / Mobile Gadget News, they're covering the MDC (Mobile Developers Conference) and have some interesting photos direct from the event. Motorola, in my mind, are really leading the pack at the moment with their range of MS Smartphone ...

2003 SE is real and HI RES!

The key thing in this MS Press Release (apart from the fact that, yes, Windows Mobile 2003 SE exists and is on it's way) is... "The Windows Mobile platform adds support for dynamic screen switching between landscape and portrait modes and square scre...

Help make us famous!

Congrats once more to my cousin for winning the Approved Car Finance Heart of England Rally Championship. Dave and his co-driver Aid Camp picked up their awards at Hagley Golf Club, Hagley, Worcestershire and you can see pictures here.Their most recen...

Aldi to sell the Smartphone!?

It looks like king of the "cheap 'n cheerful" supermarkets - Aldi - is to start selling the Smartphone too. A company called Medion do their IT and entertainment products, which include Bluetooth headsets from a mere £39.99! According to this MSMo...

I want one !!!!!! :)

I've had 1...2...3,4,... well, about 500 emails asking me, "how do I change my case", or "I wanna change my facia, how do I do it?". Up until now it's not been as easy as the Nokia handsets, which seem to have all manner of extra bits on …

Mobile Explorer

Picked up from is this pretty cool little utility, which makes transferring files to and from your Smartphone a little easier. Although moving files to and from your Smartphone is already easy with ActiveSync, this comes with the added bo...

MPx100 – a closer look

The MPx100 and the Sagem are, to be honest, a bit similar in the way they look. The major differences are the inbuilt camera (the Sagem will have a 640x480 pixel camera like the E200 has now, whereas the MPx100 will have a 1.3 megapixel camera) and Bl...

Tiny phone, big screen.. Phhwwwoarrr..

More pictures of the Sagem MyS-7 here at (taken from The phone is nice and compact, but has a very large screen that covers the majority of the handset. The earpiece socket is on the top of the headset and Sagem a...

Get a good Voq

Sierra Wireless and Key Partners to Deliver the Voq Professional Phone™ to Mobile Customers Across EuropeSierra Wireless signs distribution agreements with A & C Systems, Cedros, Daimler, Dangaard, Speeka, and Xacom to offer the Voq Pro...

MiTAC 8860 on show

The MiTAC is a mystery for me - I've never handled one and I haven't seen one on sale here in Europe. However, the 8860 has been shown at CeBIT and the .. rather big handset can be seen here. These phones seem big to me.. I don't …

E200 UK Update ! E200 UK Update ! E200 UK Update !

Wow ! I'm gonna use my bouncey girl picture again.. Have you got an UK Orange SPV E200 ? You have ? Wanna improve battery life? Wanna improve Bluetooth support ? GET THIS NOW! It will update your SPV E200 to ROM version Download the update, a...

MPx200 News

We've been running some stories about the short supply in the UK of the excellent Motorola MPx200, which is one of our fave MS Smartphones. Unfortunately I've been very busy recently and missed this email from Orange, who did email me several days ag...

Another MS Smartphone!

It's handsets galore at CeBIT, and now Samsung have stepped up (credit - with the i250! It's a clamshell, as you can see, with GSM 900/1800/1900 running Windows Mobile 2003 and will come equipped with a 1 mega-pixel Built in Camera with a...

Sagem myS-7 details

Product Details Featuring Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 2003 software for Smartphones, the myS-7 is a tri-band GSM/GPRS enabled phone which has a VGA camera with digital zoom and MPEG4 video capture and playback capability. Hi-Fi, polyphonic and MP3 ri...

Sagem – the pics are-a-coming…

The new Sagem MS Handset has appeared finally, and looks a lot like the MPx100. The guys from have pictures of the Sagem MYS-7. It looks quite sexy, and we like. They go onto say... "MYS-7 appears to have good ergonomics going for i...

The con is on…

Here we go. Already we've seen the free SPV unlock software, which unlocks your phone for any network. Whilst we don't agree with doing this (it harms the revenue gained by networks normally used to subsidise handsets), we do have a problem with peopl...

MPx200 Gone?…

We've already run a major story about the loss of the MPx200 on the Orange network. However, although news about the same thing happening in the States ( may be slightly exaggerated, it's still sad to see this phone slipping off the rada...

New SmartExplorer

The new version of SmartExplorer is now out, and fixes some of the earlier problems we mentioned. The new Beta - 2.0b3, includes the SD card fix, sending files by BlueTooth to all devices, it's possible to activate full speed sending during the tran...

Bonjour!!! La mise à jour pour l’E200 !

Don't worry, I haven't gone crazy! It's just that the ROM update for the SPV E200 is NOW available for French users! It boasts IMPROVED battery life, BETTER Bluetooth functionality and IMPROVED sound quality (?) are included as part of the update. Thi...

Overclock your Mitac!

Well, it was only a matter of time ! Check out for information on downloading Smartphone Turbo - which will overclock your Mitac Smartphone. Can it be done on the SPV range or Moto ?