The recent update for Orange SPV and Orange SPV E100 handsets meant that a lot of data would be wiped from your phone. Although this was OK, we were all waiting for the backup utility to restore this info. Well, thanks to Patrice at huge French site ...
People often ask me just what Microsoft Smartphone I use on a day-to-day basis. Well, as you know I received an Orange SPV e200 from Orange recently, and all was good. Or at least it was until the joystick started playing up. :( I sent it back to …
HTC, the guys behind the SPV and QTEK handsets, are quoted in in this article as saying that the Smartphone handset market will triple during 2004. As the first widespread Microsoft Smartphone handset manufacturer, they're definitely wo...
The Mitac Mio 8390 will be available in TW around the end of this month. The offical annoucement said that the Mio 8390 was going to be launched at 8th of Jan. However, they now decide to delay the launching somehow till after Chinese New Year. Mayb...
You may have entered our recent competition to win an Orange SPV E200 handset, or one of four Orange SPV E100 hansets - courtesy of our good friends at Orange. If you didn't win, don't worry - you get another chance! This time, courtesy of the good pe...
Over at,there is news of the QTek 8060. What's a QTek you may say? Well, the geezers behind the SPV and QTek models are a company called HTC. They make the phones, then the networks tend to call them what they want. In this case, Orange ca... is reporting here that the Motorola MPx220 is on it's way and will appear in March this year. They also state that .. "the MPx200 model will have an upgrade to Smartphone 2003 released from Motorola." For those of you with a Motorola MP...
Poor MiTAC users - they get a rough ride at times! Sometimes we forget that there are MiTAC Mio handsets out there! :( Another extended MiTAC Mio ROM can now be found here at the massive German portal, This is NOT a hacked version, but ...
Well, it's been a long time coming (we know, we know). We wanted to announce the winners on Christmas Day or around New Years, however we had to contact each winner in advance and arrange their prizes! My personal thanks to the many hundreds of you th...
Being an MVP I get access to juicy bits of info, news and upcoming events. We've also got funny handshakes and sometimes wear socks over our ears so we "know" who is a real MVP. Ahhh.. but now I'm yabbering.. Fellow MVP Alex Feinman pointed me in the...
Over at TreoCentral they've popped into one of Microsoft's Mobility User tours to have a look how the Treo compares to the Microsoft Smartphone. They appear to have got the wrong end of the stick though, and state that, "the first mainstream Windows ...
The AT&T model of the MPx200 appears to have been restricted to only two bands - 1800 and 1900.. No 900Mhz. However, in this story, there IS a solution which allows you to download a different version of the Operating System. It also appear...
Rubber Stamped Data Sync software released by This software will allow you to sync any file to and from any directory on your smartphone or storage card and any directory on your PC. This software doesn't install any extr...
After eating WAY too many mince pies and drinking too much, I'm still here to tell you about this news item with a possible leaked photo of the new Motorola MPx100. This was mentioned here previously, as we're aware that Motorola are to ...
Well, that's it.. I'm back from my last (I hope) bit of Christmas shopping. Nothing is wrapped, no cards have been written ... but that's usual for me. :) All that remains ... apart from wrapping, writing cards and finding some sticky-tape, is to wish...
There's some sites that have been on-line since the early days of the MS Smartphone., and... us! :) But there was another - a fantastic French site called ...... Now... I'm a normal bloke .. certain things attra...
I'm gonna slightly abuse my position here and say a big congratulations to my cousin - who you may have read about previously here - for winning this year's regional rally championships. After travelling down to London to take part in the final race,...
I like the Smart network, they've put the MS Smartphone well and truely on the map in the Philippines ... however.. I've had several emails from customers of Smart saying that they should come here for support. This is excellent ! Wooo!!! :) Thanks gu...
In this thread there is an interesting bit of software called Smartphone Studio, by gzytom. I've had a quick play and it looks really good... plus it costs absolutely bugger all, which is a bonus. It allows you to easily syncronise all your...
So, Vodaphone has said that the MS Windows Mobile operating system is "not quite ready for prime time". In an interview with the FT, Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin said, "Hopefully they're working to solve some of the issues that we have and, in time, when...