Christmas Videos

Anyone want to play the top Xmas videos on their phone?   XMAS SONGS BoSelectas_ProperCrimbo.wmv TheCheekyGirls-CheekyChristmas.wmv TheDarkness-ChristmasTime.wmv TheIdols_HappyChristmas-WarIsOver.wmv Wham-LastChristmas.wmv &nb...

Christmas time, mistletoe and lager…

I wanna say a big thank-you for your support, your emails and your appreciation during 2003. As we head toward Christmas I wanna give my thanks to all of you, who keep coming back, keep emailing and keep me going! Now, this time of year means several ...

Dougie Lampkin’s Trial Challenge

Another great game from the AIM stable here - Dougie Lampkin's Trial Challenge. This is another game that I'm currently reviewing for you guys. The game itself is massive, with loads of detail, levels, and sounds do suck you into the action. This is o...

SMS Cool – IT IS!

  Home | Downloads | Entertainment | Company | Contact | Licensing | Helpdesk 12/05/03     SMS Cool!Manage and send Smartphone SMS messages from your desktop PC! Still reading SMS mes...

E200 Skins from kl1wdr

Kl1wdr is now making skins for the SPV e200. His first one is now ready to check out here at You can also check out his latest work on his own website at I'm off to download! L:)

Win an MPx200 Handset!

Corey over at the new has TWO Motorola MPx200 handsets to give away, courtesy of Motorola and Microsoft. If you want to find out more, just click here for more information!

Protect your Moto!

I've just had an email from John Tubbrit. He asks a very simple question, and one that I haven't really solved myself. For all you Motorola MPx200 users - happy with your polished black handset - what do you do to protect it ? If you're a "real …

Starblaster – bloody fantastic mate!

I've just been given this rather excellent game to review. This should be online later tomorrow. The delay is basically due to the fact that I'm addicted to it! :) Here's the advert.. "It is the distant future, and Earth has finally been destroyed. Th...

Motorola Smartphone Selection

It looks like the MPx series will include several models - check out this article by Chinmei Sung for info. Motorola is stepping up a gear in the MS Smartphone arena, and have commissioned several makers to build phones for their 2004 r...

E100 / E200 Caption Competition

I'm still going through the entries for this. I hope you can understand the delay! I have to read and review every single one of the several hundred entries, and we (both I and Orange) are busy deciding who should win. It's a very tricky task, as the …

The MPx220 – Yes, it is real and yes – it is coming!

Interesting! On page 29 of this T-Mobile Germany Motorola info sheet there's info about the much-rumoured Motorola MPx220. It states here that the phone is scheduled for a first half 2004 release, and will come equipped with the Bluetooth an...

Orange go tunnelling

Here in the UK, there aren't many places where you CAN'T get a mobile signal. Pretty much everywhere is covered - you can even cross the channel on a ferry and still get a signal. What about tunnels though ? Ahhh!!! You've had it... No network could ...

Born free! Software unlock the entire SPV range!

Blimey ! Over at they've used the E200 Application Unlock "tweak" and found out that it also works fine on the E100 and the original SPV too! What is Application Unlocking? Well, it basically allows you to run pretty much anything you want...

MyOrigo Motion Phone

MyOrigo is a small Finnish based company working on a next generation smartphone called the mydevice. While the mydevice features a lot of the usual smartphone features, the OS that makes the mydevice so special. MyOrigo has created some unique ways o...

I-mate update

I-mate has released an update to the update... This is the same update but with MSN fix... Check the link...    

Orange network blip

As I can't make calls at the moment - although to some people I can, others I can't, and the Orange UK Customer Service line appears to be broken too... I guessed there was a bit of a problem with something. Apparently this is due to a HLR …

Good god! It’s here!

The much anticipated OS update to the Orange SPV / SPV E100 handset is now finally available. At present this will kill everything held in your IPSM directory though, so you may want to wait until Orange roll out their Backup and Restore tool next wee...

Every day is a school day

One of the good, and sometimes bad things about the Microsoft Smartphone is that you find hidden stuff that it can do every month or two. Take yesterday for example, when I found out for the first time how to change the sound file that's played when a...

New AT&T Resource

Some exciting news:  Microsoft and AT&T Wireless today announced a new resource that will empower US customers of the Motorola MPx200 with a 1-stop mobile-optimized site to get wireless data services, applications, ring tones and more. &...

E200 Review at last!

At long last I've finally posted the E200 Review online. This can be found here. It's taken a while because I wanted to give it a good "work out" before I actually reviewed it. :) Full E200 Review here