There's some good "how to" documents from Motorola here - no doubt there'll be more of these to come from Motorola, so keep your eyes open. :) Click here to get the latest MPx200 Modem How-To Guide and the MPx200 Modem Driver (Smartfon.inf). This wil...
Paul over at the massive sends this...Full Details: "We are very excited to annouce the MoDaCo Prize for Innovation 2003. An anonymous benefactor has donated £500 as a prize for the indi... were earlier this week selling the Motorola MPx200 MS Smartphone. They then pulled the product from their catalogue, but now it's back - and, after mailing in a rebate form, you can get it for only $149.99 ! Bargain? Yes, definitely. Get o...
Yes folks, it's free, it works, and it's available NOW!!! Whilst we're awaiting the MSN Messenger security update, we can CONTINUE to use the MSN Messenger service with Agile Instant Messenger. Download here! Paul at the mighty has been ...
The Orange SPV E200, expected "soon" has been a little camera-shy up until now. We've seen some drawings, mock-ups, early versions and some other pictures. These, from the excellent French site are absolutely fantastic pictures of the S...
Just spotted over at is this excellent CNN Report showing off the SPV E200 and the Motorola MPx200 Windows Mobile phones. The Motorola is out today on the AT&T network in the USA and it should be popping up on Orange here in Europe before l...
AT&T Wireless are using a new (well, it's new to me) method of delivering software to their MS Smartphone. All the user needs to do is browse to their Customer Service site and choose the applications you want. All OTA! (Over the air) After choosing ...
Our friends at Orange (we like them, they give SPV E200s and E100s away in massive competitions) are now tackling the public transport problem in the UK. Is there nothing they can't do?! Orange are already helping the UK's public services with crime-...
Living in America (huh!) The Smartphone comes to the new world at last! :) Although yesterday we reported that were selling the Motorola MPx200 (this offer, spotted by retailing for $149.99 has been removed) we can now announc...
A very detailed review of the Windows Mobile Motorola MPx200 handset can be found here at Pocket PC Minds. This review is based on the AT&T Wireless model, which is exactly the same - but reading between the lines, it appears that this one may be out ...
Motorola's swish new Windows Mobile Smartphone has been given some good coverage in Personal Computer World Magazine. This article (here right, scanned by Bob from the excellent says that the Motorola is the second Smartphone.....
Running a site of this size unfortunately does have the odd bad point - spam and viruses being the major ones. Swen, probably the most (un)popular virus at the moment, has been filling up my inbox for months now. In fact, if I didn't have broadband I'...
The USA is about to get not one, but two Windows powered Smartphones. Whilst AT&T are about to start selling the fantastic Motorola MPx200, Verizon Wireless are launching the Samsung SCH-i600 smartphone. Here's a picture of the Samsung SCH-i600 in the...
Blimey! We're already giving away an SPV E200 and four E100's in our wicked competition (with thanks to Orange UK) .. and now check this out! Yup! is giving away a spanking new Motorola MPx200 MS Smartphone. How do you win?! Well, you ...
Well - this is gonna rock the boat a bit! According to this article, the Motorola MPx200 Smartphone will be on sale on AT&T in an unlocked state - whilst on Orange, it'll be locked. We can almost predict what's going to happen - Orange ... are reporting on the latest download, available via "Orange Update" on your Smartphone (Orange users). Just click "Orange Update" on your phone and you'll be able to download Binarys Task Manager - an absolutely excellent bit of software. ...
We like skins - they jazz up the Smartphone and make it look well sexy. One fave site of mine is, which has just been redesigned by webmaster and design guru Philipp. Although I don't speak the language, I can understand "Download:".... reports today on plans by ARM (who produce the technology behind a lot of MS Smartphones) to produce a new CPU for mobiles. The CPU would need less power but would also contain antihacking and antivirus features too. Phones are increasing...
Orange CEO Sol Trujillo today urged the industry to fully exploit the potential of mobile telephony. To do this, he raised 4 key points - let's call them the four "I's"... Interoperability, Intuition, Interests and Intimacy. Trujillo said: “I am a...
Strewth! 30,000 people - and as I speak, there's 310 people on-line.. I'm still pretty fazed by all this y'know. :) I'm waiting for the Motorola MPx200 and the Orange SPV E200 .. these two phones are really going to change things. The Motorola MPx200,...