MPx200 – Unlocked in USA

Well - this is gonna rock the boat a bit! According to this article, the Motorola MPx200 Smartphone will be on sale on AT&T in an unlocked state - whilst on Orange, it'll be locked. We can almost predict what's going to happen - Orange ...

Orange: Task Manager are reporting on the latest download, available via "Orange Update" on your Smartphone (Orange users). Just click "Orange Update" on your phone and you'll be able to download Binarys Task Manager - an absolutely excellent bit of software. ... – More wicked skins..

We like skins - they jazz up the Smartphone and make it look well sexy. One fave site of mine is, which has just been redesigned by webmaster and design guru Philipp. Although I don't speak the language, I can understand "Download:"....

ARM’s New Chips reports today on plans by ARM (who produce the technology behind a lot of MS Smartphones) to produce a new CPU for mobiles. The CPU would need less power but would also contain antihacking and antivirus features too. Phones are increasing...

Orange CEO – Drive! Drive!

Orange CEO Sol Trujillo today urged the industry to fully exploit the potential of mobile telephony. To do this, he raised 4 key points - let's call them the four "I's"... Interoperability, Intuition, Interests and Intimacy. Trujillo said: “I am a...

30,000 Members!

Strewth! 30,000 people - and as I speak, there's 310 people on-line.. I'm still pretty fazed by all this y'know. :) I'm waiting for the Motorola MPx200 and the Orange SPV E200 .. these two phones are really going to change things. The Motorola MPx200,...

More pics from ITU 2003

Over at there's some more piccies from ITU Telecom World 2003. There's some good comparison shots for the Orange SPV, MiTAC Mio 8380 and the Sierra Voq Smartphone. Check out these images and more at (Thanks to Smartphony.o...

PalmSource CEO – "I’m scared"

In this article, caught up with PalmSource CEO David Nagel at ITU Telecom 2003. PalmSource produce a large number of applications for the Palm. However, as says - he feels like the underdog, and went on the attack ...

IA Caller ID Free Upgrade

Hello from IA Style, We are proud to announce the release of IA Caller ID version 1.1. IA Caller ID is a Smartphone solution for assigning pictures to entries in Contacts. With IA Caller ID, Smartphone users can connect a still or animated picture wi...

The Mio – Is it a Hairbrush?

Whilst watching the usual evening TV here in the UK an advert popped on the screen that caught my eye. It was selling the latest crappy compilation CD, based on the fact that all the songs were ones you could sing along to. In fact, songs you've proba...

Our biggest competiton – EVER!

To celebrate the birthday of the Orange SPV and, Orange UK have allowed us to GIVE AWAY some absolutely FANTASTIC prizes. At the moment we're all waiting for the Orange SPV E200 the Orange MPx200 to appear. We're hanging around out...

Interview with Derek Brown has an interview with Derek Brown, who is a Director of global Marketing Communications in the Mobile Devices group at Microsoft. In the interview (click here to read it) he discusses the marketing strategies, the future of the Smartphon...

1.6 Update – November 15th

We're hearing rumours that the Orange 1.6 update will be launched on the 15th November 2003. This update will fix the implement the new MSN Messenger patch, so you'll be able to use MSN Messenger again! The update should contain some other tweaks and ...

E200 – MEGA quality images

Do you wanna know what the E200 looks like? REALLY close up? Well, if you're a real bandwidth junky you can click here for an absolutely HUUUUGGGEEE hi-quality close-up. Below is a picture of Pieter Knook, Microsoft's Senior Vice President. He's show...

Petition for flat rate GPRS

Paul over at has started a petition which he'd like you all to participate in. He is campaigning for proper-sized McDonalds burgers. Not those stupid flat ones you get. Have you tried them? The advert makes them look massive, then when you...

Orange SPV E200 – Announced by

After poor Paul manually typed up the Orange SPV E200 Press Release on Saturday, now we have it in concrete (well, it's on screen) at here at The original Orange SPV was launched almost 1 year ago to the day, on October 22nd 2002. The pres...

More MPx200 Piccies

These pics just in, hot off the press....According to our source, the Motorola runs MS Smartphone 2002 v3 (build 13238). The keys have less depth than the HTC Canary but they have a nice "click". This handset had a 32Mb SD/MMC card, but it's not known...

Bill Champs the Smartphone

As seen by this photo, taken by MSMobiles whilst Bill Gates was giving his presentation, it's clear that the Microsoft Smartphone gives a higher return to the network operator. Whilst this means bigger bills for us lot, it does also mean that the high...

Mini Superbike

Hmm.. this looks good! 3D Mini-Sportsbike (Motorcycle Racing) is $19.95 and... ... hang on a minute.... Listen.. I've got one thing to say here. - why are all your prices in US dollars ? Why ? Where are all the MS Smartphones? Are the...

Trying to look good..

Every morning I come to work in a bit of a haze and try to look important by reading some IT newspaper or other. I sit around, reading these papers, verging on the "lazy", but also looking as if I'm doing my job at the same time. People …