Motorola MPx200 Announcement

New Motorola MPx200 With Microsoft Windows MobileExtends the Power of the Desktop to the Wireless World Global Launch Increases Productivity for Mobile Professionals and Revenues for Operators; Motorola and Microsoft Align to Deliver Series of Mobile ...

Can you do better?

I've been meaning to try this for a while now but never got around to it. Orange UK users will know that the sexy "Orange Lady" is pretty well known. She appears every Friday on Pete Tongs' Radio 1 show and is far better than Vodaphone / Virgin …

Smart Sync-It

Smart Sync-It is an application designed to add functionality and flexibility to the synchronization process currently impemented in tandem with the MS Smartphone. This software will now allow you to sync ANY file to and from ANY directory on your sma...


Today marks the release of the Motorola MPx200 following announcements from Orange, Microsoft and Motorola. The most noticeable, however, was this one, - which says.."The Motorola MPx200 will be available next month from Orange in Europe, AT&T Wir...

SmartPhoneCinema Takes Off

My old mate Bobby has revamped and totally transformed his website to now become The site now specializes in Music Videos. A selected few others clips are up for grabs, but check the site out now and download som...

Confused? Well, now even more names..

The SPV2 ? You know, the one with the camera in the back ? So it's called the SPV E200 on Orange now.. errr... isn't it ? Well, no. Andy Maxfield has emailed me about his recent visit to the Orange Shop. He says... "I walked in to …

Handango slips up reports today on a slip-up by which appears to allow links to full-version games across the internet. Although I haven't tested it myself, it would appear that web-crawlers and search engines are actually picking up the loca...

Hold the front page…

Yet more bits of info popping out on the net. The latest juicy titbit involves the SPV2... wait - scrub that.. It's going to be called the "Orange SPV E200"! This makes sense when you think about it, as the E200 is actually the third SPV.. so it …

MiTAC Extras

Data Nation are now selling accessories for the MiTAC Mio 8380 Smartphone. These can be seen simply by clicking on their website. Accessories include a Sync-N-Charge cable and Automobile Charger. Click here or click here to go dire...

Motorola MPx200 on Orange

Oh hello! What's this over at ZDNet? Bugger me, it's a preview of the first Motorola Orange MS Smartphone! Check it out! Apparently we have Smartphone 2002... wait.. yes, that's right - Smartphone 2002 - NOT 2003. That's good though, because it means ...

More bad news for 3G

Another embarrassing and unfortunate problem for 3G network "3". Here in the UK they're struggling to increase their userbase. Although new slimmer handsets are on the way for 3G networks, current subscribers are becoming annoyed at the big chunky han...

Review – MiTAC and Motorola

Whilst we await news of the clamshell Smartphones that are yet to appear fully over here in Europe, Russian website has a feature which shows the two handsets side-by-side. The Motorola handset looks a tad smaller than the MiTAC and ...

Smartphones V PDAs

"Connected" PDA's will continue to soar above Smartphone devices, claims ABI research. Kenil Vora, from ABI, said that Smartphones will continue to represent only a small portion of the mobile phone market. PDA's will get their boost from innovations...

Orange Announces the launch of the Treo 600

Orange are on a launch frenzie at the moment. Today they're announcing the launch of the Handspring Treo 600, with the new re-branded name of the "Orange Treo 600". The Treo will sit in the Orange Signature device range, to add to the SPV and the...

SmartPhoneROM Patcher

This patcher, reported by msmobiles and mobilejoe, is a new utility which removes the Application lock for Smartphone 2002 devices before you copy and install a new ROM from your PC to the phone!! The SmartPhoneROM Patcher, removes the application l...

AIM’s Big Ones

  QUBIXQubix is an addictive action game which involves you manipulating an onscreen persona to draw certain shapes on the playing board. Your shapes will then reveal parts of a hidden picture. The object of the game is to uncover...

XRally Alpha Version

You've probably seen this elsewhere (I saw this one over at but I just wanted to mention it too. This excellent little show-off game is brought to you by the same guy who did Thermo and many other excellent Smartphone utilities. Althou...


Another BIG number smashed today, as reaches a million unique hits. Berlimey! A big thank-you again for all your support over the past 10 months, it is very much appreciated and I love seeing people getting what they want out of the...

FoneDB Expense Tracker

SYWARE Announces FoneDB Expense Tracker, Free Expense Tracking Software forSmartphonesCambridge, MA (September 9, 2003)

PocketMusic – It kicks ass!

Damn - if only there was a free MP3 player for the Smartphone that had added functionality like Bass-boost, a Graphic Equalizer with some presets like "Dance" or "Pop" or even "Rock"... if only there was one out there that had bookmarks so I could sto...