Tag: android
“I’m a huge fan of your site”. Always a good start that. Well done PetziConnect. They launched an IndieGoGo campaign and had a goal of $30k. They’ve blown past that now and are at nearly $59k. What is it? Well, it’s a magical doo-hickey that’ll let you interact …
Earlier on today Oppo announced the R819 which looks to take on the Android mid range market. Oppo Style, who are the European distribution company, have the R819 up for pre order already, at a rather tempting price of €269. An interesting thing though is that even the …
OPPO have announced the launch of the rather catchy named “R819” which I hope isn’t its final name, the R819 is apparently one of the thinnest and lightest smartphones in the world. Weighing in at just 110 grams, the R819 packs a sharp display, long-lasting battery life, and …
Good alarms are hard to find… If it doesn’t work properly, or have the necessary functionality then no matter how pretty the app is, or whether the app conforms to the Holo style guide, its dead to me. Enter Neon Alarm. Good Points It is pretty intuitive. A …
What do you buy if you want a compact high-end phone? Yup, the iPhone. It’s your only choice… Maybe not for much longer though. The trouble with Android flagship phones is that they’re all pretty big, and when the smaller versions come out they’re cut down in specs …
OPPO are leaking like a teabag at the moment, and this time it’s evleaks who’ve published a photo of an unknown device with the Tweet, “Hello, OPPO” accompanying it. What could it be? Here’s the photo: It’s quite different to the current flagship, the Find 5, which is …
Sorry. I’m all over the place today. My emotional biorhythm is kinda low. I’m all teary and sad. Luckily my intellectual and intuition biorhythms are quite good, so I can write this story about Daily Biorhythm Light. It’s an app which shows you the best time to do …
You want Office Mobile on your Android? You want it. You want it don’t you? Oh yes you do. Well, it’s easy. Just head here and grab Office Mobile for Office 365. Provided you’ve got an Office 365 subscription you can access, edit and view Word, Excel and …
Got yourself a Sony Xperia Z? Well first up, if you’re waiting for the Android 4.2.2 update then it’s not arriving over the air. You need to do an update via the PC Companion suite and then it should update your handset. Details are just coming in, …
We’re all working twice as hard for half the money so, during the last month or two, I’ve been looking at SIM-only deals and cheap-but-powerful SIM free phones. This week it’s the turn of the LG Optimus L9, down to £204.99 this week from those boys at Expansys. …
Are you an S-Pen pusher scribbling away on your Galaxy Note 8 with 3G connectivity? Well you lucky blighters will be receiving your update to Android 4.2.2 very soon. The roll-out has started in Germany and is expected to spread through Europe over the next few days. Along …
HTC have just begun rolling out a major update for the Tegra 3-powered HTC One X+. The update brings the device up to Android 4.2.2 and, as a extra bonus, Sense 5. Engadget reported earlier today that a leaked RUU was made available for the update, but it …
I’ve used a lot of different Android launchers in my time, some have stayed with me for years like ADW, some I’ve tried out have been a bit odd like Regina and some are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. 3D Home for Android has just had an …
So yesterday we saw the LG G2. Many, I’m sure, will be wanting the LG logo to vanish and a Google Nexus one to appear instead. You do have to wonder how successful this would be if it was branded as a Nexus.. It’s coming to Three and …
You’ll see this news appearing all over the web today so I’ll try and sum up the figures as briefly as possible. It’s smartphone share day and, by the looks of the IDC figures, Android is still on the rise. Android added a 73.5% volume gain and grabbed …
Kiss goodbye to your data allowance and prepare for the listenfest (is that a real word? Bah – Who cares!) that is Google Play Music All Access. The service that launched at first in the US has made its way across the pond and now takes …
Over in New York, LG have announced the brand new LG G2 (no Optimius name anymore) and Three have come out and confirmed they will be stocking this device here in the UK. And of course as always….. Brendan from Three has put together a ‘sneak peak’ video …
Regular readers will know that I have long time been a proponent of Lookout. The security suite has been providing millions of Android users with protection from malware and viruses for a number of years now and when combined with the fact you can use the app to …
One of the problems that HTC have suffered from in the recent past is having too many handsets to choose from and thus the consumer doesn’t know which one is best for them. Well, HTC have clearly learned from the past and decided to release only one handset …
Update your Twitter app baby. Version 4.1.4 on Android has now added two-factor authentication so your account is now a bit more secure than it was before. Other improvements include a new gallery view for photos in the search results and some bug fixes. Twitter have also added …
LG are due to unveil their latest device, the G2 is what some expect their next Nexus device to mirror quite closely. The LG G2 is going to be a high end flagship and I’m hoping it makes it to the UK, unlike last years Optimus G and …
The OPPO N-Lens camera was confirmed by the Chinese manufacturer late last month after weeks of rumours and speculation. What they didn’t say was that it would be integrated into a phone called the N1. Marketing literature has been leaked on the Chinese social networking Weibo. The N-Lens …
In a highly skilled piece of coordination, Sony have released the Android 4.2.2 update for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z on the same day as we’ve given away two cases for said tablet! Owners started reporting the update rolling out earlier today, but as yet it only seems …
The HTC One Max has been a rumour for quite a while, but now we have some leaked photos to look at. Unsurprisingly the 5.9 inch iteration looks almost identical to the 4.7 inch One we know and love. The trouble is that we have no point of …
Just the other day we told you about Android Device Manager. Now it looks to be arriving via a new version of Google Play Services. If you’ve not got that then you can download it here. This is early stuff at the minute, and it may be worth …
Clamshell phones used to be the coolest handsets on the block. That “snap” as it closes after the end of a call is still the most emotive way to hang up on someone. However, touchscreens are the the best way to interact with a phone these days. What …
We aren’t saying X will soon mark this particular spot, but then again, we ain’t sayin’ it ain’t neither. If this source is to be believed, the Moto-X is soon going to be making its way over to the UK. If that’s true, then we’ll soon see …
The Moto X hit the world media last night (at last!), but it’s no longer the latest news from Motorola. In an interview with CNET Motorola Mobility’s CEO Dennis Woodside has revealed that there’s going to be a budget version soon. He made no mention of specs, but …
On a few of the apparently inferior mobile OSs if you lost your phone you could log into some sort of web service and easily locate where you phone had been mislaid. As long as you turned that feature on then things would be all good. Android users …
According to Samsung Updates the Galaxy Tab 2 7″ is starting to get an update to 4.2.2 flavour of Jelly Bean. Well the 3G version in France is at least but it should mean that it will shortly be rolling out to the UK and the wifi only version shouldn’t …
We all know by now that megapixels are not the be all and end all of smartphones and rather than go from what is on paper it’s best to get real world experience using it. But we all love to see those specs don’t we, this one is …
We’ve covered the wafer thin Xperia Tablet Z quite a bit recently. Our review posts are below and, if it tickles your fancy, you can get it on Three right now. Sony Xperia Tablet Z review part one Sony Xperia Tablet Z review part two Sony Xperia Tablet …
We all know Samsung for their plastic builds. It’s something that some have criticised and that may be likely to change with the next iteration of the Galaxy S flagship. A patent uncovered by Patent Bolt shows a complete redesign with sleek sharp edges. The patent was filed …
Kenny Loggins has just emailed in with a cryptic email about taking the highway to the Beta Zone. We checked it out, and it looks like that’s where the BBM cross-platform beta lives at the moment. If you’re a bit special and you registered with the BlackBerry Beta …
So, that Android 4.3 update has arrived on Nexus 4. Now, if you have a Nexus 7 quick, go and pick it up right now, because it’s your turn. The OTA update is arriving right now, so go into Settings-> About-> System Update-> Check now. Let us know …
Lucky owners of the OPPO Find 5 are receiving over the air updates to the firmware on their handsets, taking them to X909EN_130719 (was X909EN_13_130514). It’s only an 83MB download, but it comes with a massive changelog which includes dedications to users who’ve made suggestions or bug reports. …
The HTC One is the best handset that HTC have made, in my opinion at least. Now they’ve shrunk it down, but only a little bit. Whilst writing this review I’ve shown this new HTC One mini handset to three HTC One owners and they’re all pretty impressed …
Let me get this straight… It’s a phone and a camera? Whoa! How can I get this wonder of the modern age (considering I’m locked to Three)? They’ve just become available on said network you say? *Doors bang on their hinges as hoards of amazed customers battle to …
With Google announcing Android 4.3 just yesterday, Sony have now come out and confirmed which of their devices will be able to run this new software version which is also going under the JellyBean title. Sony have been known for taking their time on getting upgrades out but …
With all the excitement of the Google event yesterday, one question remained unanswered. When will the UK get stock? Well, PC World now have both WiFi models on their site with a release date of 13th September. This weems quite a long way off considering the US will …