Tag: android
We carried quite a few videos uploaded by thenexusone.com recently. It looks like everything has been pulled off-line now - the videos have been remove from YouTube and the website is offline. Luckily there's now more video and much clearer pictures h...
The Xperia X10 has just popped up on the Federal Communications Commission website and there's pics-a-plenty. A user manual for the "X10 / X10i" has also appeared which details the funky GUI (aka "Timescape") and the media experience known as "Sony Er...
HTC have turned on their widget listings within the Android Market today. Four are listed so far and it shows just how far HTC have travelled - the hardware, the GUI and now extra software for the GUI and the OS itself. Although these are fairly simp...
phandroid.com have shots of the new Android-powered Motorola Enzo online. It's also known as the "Motorola Backflip" and has no doubt received that name due to the way that the keyboard rotates round - it actually parks itself facing outwards as you'l...
The rather excellent Huawei-built T-Mobile Pulse has just received an update. According to the T-Mobile support pages this refresh .. "..Helps improve the stability of the Pulse and the quality of audio..." To apply you'll need to download this ZIP ...
We've been tracking Windows Mobile for a good 7 years now and have kinda got used to seeing updates appearing every year or three, so when we began tracking Android it suddenly became much harder to follow the constant OS refreshes. Although Google An...
Hmmm.. engadget have noticed something very interesting about the new Google Phone...Now, let's just ignore for the moment these arguments about whether the Nexus One is a future HTC handset Google are testing or whether it's going to launch direct fr...
Bejesus. Google. Android. Everywhere. There simply is no stopping the Android monster right now (unless Google themselves release their own version and upset all their partners). Computerworld.com are stating that Acer will be pushing out five or six ...
Over the weekend the Google Phone news has pretty much exploded all over the web. There's still some doubt whether this is just a test device aimed at Google employees or whether it's aimed at a commercial launch in January. However, following earlier...
That "Google Phone" rumour just refuses to go away. Today Tweets have appeared, supposedly from Google employees, mentioning that they've received the new Google Phone. Other Twitter users followed with Tweets like this... "A friend from Google showed...
I've been using the Motorola Dext as my main phone for a few days now. Available on Orange it's an Android 1.5 handset with a QWERTY sliding keyboard and the new MotoBLUR interface. Following our video overview and picture special we've now got an up-...
Our good friends at devicewire.com now have the HTC Hero back in stock. It's available in a range of colours - white, pink and brown. It costs £359.99 for the pink and brown one or £349.99 for the white one. All phones are supplied totally unlocked ...
Yesterday was the video overview. Today it's the picture special. The Motorola Dext is the European version of the "Cliq" and has a 3.1" HVGA screen. There's a 5 megapixel auto-focus cam around the back, 3G and WiFi connectivity plus a 3.5mm audio por...
The Motorola Dext is here. It's the European version of the Cliq and is selling now on Orange. This is the first QWERTY Android phone we've ever tested and, if truth be known, it's been quite some time since we saw a Motorola device (anyone remember t...
The Android 2.1 ROM appeared for the HTC Hero just the other day. Although it's far from "official" it does seem to be the actual upgrade and, according to a post at AndroidSpin.com there's a list of codenames for current and possible future handsets ...
It's very almost nearly Christmas, so we're on a mission to give you competitions, free stuff and bargains. Today we've been give a nudge about the rather excellent T-Mobile Pulse. It's built by Huawei and is a rather splendid Android handset which is...
Eeek, well that didn't take long did it ? Following the leaked pictures showing a HTC Hero running Android 2.1 there's now a ROM online so you can enjoy the new Eclair fun. Now, you'll be doing a bit of fiddling here so it's perhaps only for those …
Following our earlier story there's further evidence that that Acer will be pushing Android more strongly over the next year. Currently the majority of Acer phones are powered by Windows Mobile but, in an interview with Reuters Acer's head of mobile-p...
We've raved about the mighty HTC Hero quite a bit. It is, quite simply, a fantastic phone. HTC have already made it faster and then announced that an even newer version of the OS (Android 2.0) would be coming pretty soon. However, things have just bec...
T-Mobile appear to have knocked 20% off the Pulse, with the deal available until today. We've just had a mail from Bibendum, who managed to get it for £137 on Pay As You Go. For a £10 top-up it's unlimited text and internet, plus this Android device...
More shops now have the European version of the Motorola Droid available for pre-order. Clove did have the Milestone showing until recently, with expansys.com still showing it at £449.99 unlocked with a 9-day leadtime. Superetrader have it showing fo...
If you've got Android 1.6 (have a look in Settings->About Phone->Firmware version) and you're in the US then you can now get the new version of Google Maps, complete with the navigation system we saw launch in version 2.0. There's already a hack to ge...
AGH! Blurred much ? This is the new Motorola Motus, a new Android aimed at the masses. It appears to have a glossy flat sliding QWERTY and three main keys on the front. Specs from BGR show a possible arrival on AT&T with similar specs to the Cliq …
I'm a little shocked that I've never really carried a story about Fring. It's an excellent piece of software that'll let you make calls over your mobile data connection / WiFi. Not only that but you can chat / text too. It intergrates with Skype, MSN,...
HDBlog.it have one of their understated videos online (I joke, it's polished and includes stacks of up-close shots and an action-movie sound-track). This time it's the X10, which is looking better by the day. The Sony Ericsson foray into Android is sh...
When we first spotted that the Tattoo had launched and re-named to the "Tattoo Ink" we presumed this would be the only change. However, Chris Pratt has emailed in after his girlfriend came home with a brand new Tattoo Ink. It seems that Google Mail is...
An update for the HTC Tattoo has just popped up on the Vodafone website. The device, which is currently featured in HTC TV ads, was reviewed by us a couple of weeks back and is already proving to be a success. The update page doesn't tell us exactly …
HTC Europe have just added an update for HTC Sync. The updated version, 2.0.8, is for anyone using the HTC Magic, Hero or Tattoo and includes media enhancements, syncing contact pictures and time sync'ing for a more accurate phone clock. Grab the upd...
We mentioned it last month and now it's here, the HTC Hero is available to buy from UK network "Three" for £97.86 on a £35 p/m plan. This is a 24 month plan and includes 2 years of Spotify Premium membership. The Hero has already been voted phone …
Our HTC Tattoo review is now up! Available on Orange as the Tattoo Ink, on Vodafone and unlocked for £269.99 from devicewire.com it's HTC pushing "Android to the masses". We were bowled over by it's bigger brother, so we couldn't wait to see how well...
Sony Ericsson have released a couple of Windows Mobile phones. The most recent is the Xperia X2 and is about to go live on Vodafone but today a new Xperia model got announced - the X10. This is a change of direction for Sony Ericsson, who have perhaps...
The DROID is only just appearing on Verizon in the USA. Meanwhile, it seemed, the rest of the world had to wait... but not for long. this picture of the GSM version has appeared on the o2 Germany website and now there's a stonking big Motorola website...
The Motorola DROID. It's so good it needs CAPITAL LETTERS. Our American readers will be able to snap it up on Friday, and rumour has it that doors will open early. While you wait the next few days (and everyone else waits a bit longer), you can soak …
Sony Ericsson are turning up the head ready for the November 3rd launch of the X3. There's rumours swirling round the internet that this may be called the X10, or possibly the Rachel. Who knows. Either way, this is Sony Ericsson, Android style. A chee...
Hello, it's the HTC Droid Eris again. A much better picture this time and, yet again, it appears to very similar in specs to the HTC Hero. The Android-powered phone was snapped by a BGR reader who states that the phone is about "the same as the Spint...
We've been lucky enough to interview HTC head-honcho Peter Chou in the past. He's really in tune with what customers are after and is always keep to show what his phones can do. Today, in an interview with alibaba.com he spoke about this, the all new ...
Late last night a tweet appeared from HTC which confirmed that the HTC Hero will be getting the only-just-released Android 2.0. They're just busy updating the fantastic HTC Sense to make it play nice on the new OS, but you can expect to see it appeari...
Things are changing quite significantly at the moment. Today, for example, Google took another chunk out of the world. It starts to become painfully obvious when you use a Google phone to perform a Google Search looking for the Google Maps Navigation ...
The Moto DROID received it's official annoucement today and, tucked away in the press release, there's news that it'll be the first phone to use Android 2.0 (Eclair). The new features include .. - Multiple accounts can be added to a device for email ...
Well, it's official now. Motorola have now announced that the Motorola DROID will be available on Verizon next week (November 6th). The specs include a 3.7" widescreen display with a (slightly) weird 854x480 resolution. It's the first phone to use And...