Tag: android
Read our HTC Hero review? All ready to buy? Good. If you're interested in the unlocked one then we've got a £10 discount code for you to use at the checkout. Just enter "HEROCSP" and a tenner will automatically come off the final cost. You'll also ge...
OK, this one has taken us some time. We managed to bag the HTC Hero back in June but we spent all the time we could answering your questions via our video blog but then, after getting some time with a second unit, we managed to finish off …
We're still putting our finishing touches to the HTC Hero review. Let's just say it's an epic review and leave it at that. If you're looking for a network-free and completely unlocked one there's now a limited supply up for grabs on devicewire.com. Th...
The Twittersphere has revealed that the T-Mobile G2 Touch (aka HTC Hero) should be available today from T-Mo with tghe device appearing in stores later on this week. There's still nothing on the T-Mobile website but there's at least a reference to it ...
It looks like HTC are on a mission to bring the Android platform to the masses with the HTC Click. Pitched at the cheaper end of the market this will echo the Windows Mobile cheap-and-chearful Viva - it even looks similar. If HTC can bring the HTC Sen...
Right, unless we're going completely bonkers it looks like the HTC Hero is now fully available on the Orange website. This Android-powered device has been in my pocket for a week or two recently and, although I'm still a Windows Mobile fan, it's impre...
A few weeks back we managed to grab the HTC Hero for a week and gave it a full workout. Now other sites are getting their mitts on it, and you can see two of them side by side - the graphite and white one - at hdblog.it. …
Ok, so it looks like the Hero is going to take a little longer. The Android-powered device has already had loads of coverage here at coolsmartphone.com and on YouTube but it's now being pencilled in for the first week in August. This delay applies to ...
We knew that the Hero would be available in a range of colours. The white one will be coming to devicewire.com unlocked, with the graphite one coming to Orange. Now it seems that a pink one is coming to Carphone Warehouse. During our time with the HTC...
Day 6 of our week with the HTC Hero is now published. Today we have a look at Android Market, the Adobe Flash integration, Twitter, playing a game and a few more of your questions. We've only got one more day with this phone and I will try …
Apologies in advance if you've not received a response to emails, I'm off the net all weekend but there's just been time to get day 5 of our week with the HTC Hero online. This time we take a look under the battery cover and answer a few …
Day 4 of our "Week With" series is now online. Today we show you more of the camera, video recording, the YouTube app, more of the on-screen keyboard, more browsing action, how to add shortcuts to programs, screen rotation and more. Plus, don't forget...
Day 3 of our week with the Hero is now online and we have some great news. I'm getting a tripod ! No, not that sort of tripod - one for the camera, so these one-handed wobble-cam videos could be a thing of the past very soon. Today …
Day 2 of our HTC Hero video blog is now online. Today we took at the insides of the phone - the HTC Sense interface. I've got no manual and no instructions - this is all stuff I've learnt in the first few hours with the phone. HTC …
We're going to start covering Android news - this won't dilute our existing Windows Mobile coverage and it's merely branching out with additional information for our visitors. Over the next few days we'll be working on improvements to the site so you ...
The HTC Hero has just popped up on the Orange Shop in it's exclusive graphite colour. Prices start from a big fat nothing depending on the contract. This is the Android-powered device that HTC revealed last week with the HTC Sense GUI. THe specs inclu...
Yesterday we were in London to witness the launch of the latest Google Android-powered handset from HTC. The HTC Hero has a new HTC interface inside called "HTC Sense" and brings the smooth and quick interface we've seen on Windows Mobile with HTC Tou...
Carl Paulsen has just mailed in after spotting this interesting option on the new HTC Hero Product Tour. If you wait for number 4 to pop up it shows an interesting option we've not seen before. Now, we don't want to be mean, and we KNOW the HTC …
The HTC Sense interface. Wanna see what all the fuss is about? Have a look at the video below - we've got one from earlier today which will be online later this evening. Here's an Orange member of staff showing you around the HTC Hero and it's Sense …
Devicewire have stepped up to offer the HTC Hero unlocked. For those who don't want the usual contract tie-in, you'll soon be able to grab the handset from them for £378.25 exluding VAT or £434.99 with VAT. Stock will be arriving July 3rd. If you're...
Today was the HTC "Come See" event and we were in attendance down in Hackney. Upon entering the location we were ushered into a large room for the main launch and placed near to the front. Shortly following this Peter Chou - CEO at HTC took to the...
At the start of this month HTC sent us an invite to a big press event. It's in London, it's today, and all we know is that HTC want us to "Come see". There's still no guarantee of new Windows Phones today, but we're going to pop down …
On Wednesday we'll be down in London for the HTC "Come see" event. We'll be bringing you live news, twitter updates and instant pictures, so be sure to join in from 11AM with the main event kicking off at noon. Rumours and now details from the Global ...