Tag: app
I usually skim over the comments / reviews but when checking apps in the Google Play. Usually they’re full of comments like “d0esn’t work”, “uninstalled as this is cr*p” or just one-word responses like “Great” or “Nice”. So it’s interesting to see the comments that have popped up …
Notes apps, have a look in the play store and there are literally hundreds. Â Some are good, some are poor and some stand out from the crowd. Evernote is probably the biggest but requires a centrally registered account and, lets face it, isn’t exactly what could be …
TV catchup app ITV Player has been released for Android. Yay! But you can only use it on Samsung devices until 31st August. Booo! It’s been a while coming, but the new ITV Player app has finally hit the Google Play store. It seems pretty good too. All …
The best way to see the third planet from the Sun or the best way to zoom in on your ex-girlfriends back garden? You decide. Whatever your reasons, the Google Earth app got updated late last night and now includes Street View too. The newly-updated street-level images reveal …
Got a Windows Phone? Well, according to the Windows Phone Blog Microsoft are now looking for people to test the new version of the official Facebook app. It’ll be a little buggy at the moment, so they’re after people who will report back on the bugs and problems …
Google Now. Love it or hate it, it’s a very clever do-hickey. Up until now it’s been firmly sat in the Android camp, but now it’s coming to iPhone too. Google Now, for those that aren’t aware, pops up some helpful cards that you’ll be needing throughout the …
Whilst browsing around eBay I found a number of listings for “spy software” designed to snoop on the phone use of friends, relatives, colleagues or people you don’t like very much. After becoming intrigued I stumbled across StealthGenie, which is charged in monthly installments. The spy software is …
Here at Coolsmartphone we rather like WordPress, it is the basis of everything we do and without the mobile apps this site would be a totally different place. Last night an update for WordPress for Android appeared. The update amongst other things brought a whole new UI to …
Picture the scene, there is a man talking to a lady in Mojos nightclub in Norwich. They’re getting on famously and are just about to leave together for more fun in a more intimate setting when he pulls out his smartphone. She does the same and they “bump”….. …
Sorting your daily dose of news into small, bite-sized chunks can be a bit of a pain at times. You either download an app, go through the mobile version of the newspaper website or heck – you could even buy one of those “paper versions” 😉 The people …
Can’t wait for the HTC First? Want to make your high-end smartphone the ultimate Facebook machine? If so, good news – Facebook Home has just been pushed to the Google Play Store and should be available shortly. If you have a Samsung Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S3, HTC One X, One X+ …
My Lockscreen on my Windows Phones is the one place you can truly express yourself and have pretty much any picture you want displayed. This in itself isn’t anything new and nor are the new features that Windows Phone 8 brought to the Lockscreen either. I like wallpapers …
I remember in the olden days probably the first mobile game I ever played was Snake. I loved it, being able to play an actual game on a phone was just mind blowing. Fast forward fifteen years and we have a drastically different world, almost everything imaginable is …
A mere 18 months after the release of ICS, Twitter have updated their official app with the main addition being a new Holo themed UI. As well as being much prettier, you can now horizontally swipe between the various tabs. The app also features auto-completion of @usernames and #tags, …
Mention “VoIP” and “cheap calling” to people and Skype is usually the download of choice. You might not have heard it, but Viber is another option and is doing rather well. It’s available for pretty much any platform you care to shake a stick at and offers free …
Like Facebook and Android? You may want to put a note in your diary then, because on 4th April there will be an event to announce… well, something. All we know is that it’s apparently going to be Facebook’s “new home on Android”. As with most marketing these …
Temple Run. It’s a game you’ll have probably seen on the bus or train recently and basically features a guy or girl running along at great speed. Sweep left or right to turn at the appropriate time, up to jump and try to make sure that your character …
Played the iOS version of this? Demolition Master is now available on Android. There’s 240 levels and more than 4 million other players to challenge. It’s only been available for 5 days in the Google Play store and there’s realistic explosions and the video below should show you …
OK, so I’m going to tell you the truth. If you’re using Android and don’t want to pay the few pennies for a new app or game then you have some other options. Firstly, you could save up the 65p you need or you could go trawling “those” …
I’m trying to work out how many of you already know about this app. Whether you use it or not, it’s certainly proved popular. It’s four years since the app arrived and there’s now more than six million people using it. Grindr has grabbed 2.5 million extra users …
The much fabled Google Keep has today finally appeared in the Google Play Store. It is a note-taking application that facilitates the quick capture of thoughts and ideas via a variety of means – voice recordings, pictures or simply text. With these features, it promises to let you …
AdBlock Plus, the app that blocks those pesky mobile ads has been removed from the Play Store by Google. In a move that could be seen to be protecting their own revenues, Google are running the risk of upsetting the many users that only want the content of …
Having relaunched their web platform earlier this year, social sound platform Audioboo have turned their attentions to their Android app. The app revamp means it now includes a more visually-appealing and easier to navigate user interface; it has options to download clips and listen to audio offline; the …
Spider Solitaire has always been one of those games that have eluded me. Over the years I have tried and tried to get my head round it. Then a few days ago Spider was released for Windows Phone. I’ve come across Blugri the games developer before and I …
Blugri Software have a few different games out for Windows Phone. We’ve covered various ones in the past, mainly because the games have a certain nice polish to them. Which in my opinion puts them above the equivalents. The latest game they have released is Spider which is …
So, picture the scene. You’re home after a long hard day and you’re hungry. Sure, you could head back out again and queue up in a chip shop, curry house or Chinese. Yes, you could keep hammering re-dial on your phone to trying to get through to your …
Before the term ‘smartphone’ really meant anything to the mainstream other than using an S60 device and long before Skype or WhatsApp were the forces that they are today, this company Truphone was launched. The fact they’ve stayed true and consistently put out apps for BlackBerrys made me …
How do I start this? Hmmm… I know. I’ll do what Microsoft did and completely lie. Right, here goes… When you’re looking for “a present” on your browser and don’t want your wife to find out, you can now use Private Browser. It’s fairly self-explanatory really. This password-protected …
The Sky+ app has been a firm favourite with most Sky TV customers for quite some time, but this latest update is a biggy. Now, just like Zeebox, the app will let you fully control your viewing. A new panel has been added and shows all the TV …
So the much hyped Carbon for Android finally makes it onto the Google Play store, if you are not familiar with it then Carbon is basically a twitter client that has a nice interface, thats it. I’m not going to go into a full fledged review of the …
For years people have sat around listening to others chat about a varied range of topics on the radio.  The invention of the podcast changed the way that many listen to such conversations  and gave us the ability to hear said recordings where and whenever we want. Of …
So, we’ve asked you why Siri isn’t missed on Android but there are still some very clever alternatives. We’ve covered one in particular – Speaktoit – a while back now, but they’ve recently had a pretty major overhaul. First up, there’s a new “teach” facility. You tell your …
Polarbit are the developers behind the popular Reckless Racing series of driving games and they’re back with what looks like another cracking driving game. Here are some shots from the game. Here is the trailer for the game. This driving game certainly looks a bit more violent than …
I never thought that I wouldn’t be using the stock Google dialer. But, I am now using the Simple Dialer Widget instead. Simple Dialer Widget (or SDW since I hate typing the whole name!) is a very straight forward widget and is surprisingly convenient. It has the dialer …
Say that something is “foobared” (or rather, “Fubared”) and, well, it’s broken. However, if you take the foobar definition then it’s more likely to be used as a variable in a script. Now, deep in there somewhere was a fantastic introduction to this story but, sadly, I’ve lost …
A film tie in game and some zombies, could this game start off any lower down the credibility ladder? Judge Dredd vs Zombies has been out a few months and I initially missed it, the only reason I installed this game is because there is a version for …
Different people want different things from their smartphone. There are those that view their device as purely functional. Â It is there purely to make calls, do a little surfing and reply to emails. Then there are those that cannot be separated from their mobile device, who feel that …
The BBC have today launched an app for iOS specifically for their extensive sports coverage. Unsurprisingly called BBC Sport, the app is curated by the top BBC sport journalists and is “the sports fan’s guide to live sport news, stats, fixtures and results” The BBC’s Head of Interactive’s …
Do we really need to give you the history on this? Oh, OK. I’ll do it briefly then. If you had an iPhone a few months back then you’ll have used Google Maps as the default mapping solution. Apple changed all that though, and along cam Apple Maps …
Update your official Twitter app today and you’ll find a host of new filters to make your photographs look a little less rubbish. After updating, just create a new tweet and insert and image. You then get the chance to crop, fix or add a filter. There’s nine …