Tag: deals

Free data on EE every month

OK now, don’t get too excited, it’s not a great deal of data but still, this is worth investigating if you’re thinking of getting a tablet as a gift. It’s only 100MB, but if you have a tablet or phone that mostly lives near a WiFi hotspot it …

Gotab 7 tablet for just silly money

Come now, this is getting daft. I mean no, it’s not going to beat much in the specs race, but less than £40 for a 7″ tablet? Buy yourself a cheap Bluetooth speaker, install TuneIn, TV Catchup, BBC iPlayer etc and you’ve got yourself an instant internet radio …

Free PCs with new TalkTalk broadband package

Here are some thrilling clichés: Everyone loves something for free; If it looks too good to be true it probably is. Microsoft and TalkTalk have signed a deal for customers taking out a new subscription to ‘Simply Broadband’ package.  For the princely sum of £217.40 for the year …

Nexus 7, 2012 model, going for a song

Fancy a well-known tablet for not much cash? Expansys have knocked down the price of the Asus-built Google Nexus 7 to just £79.99. Originally this was up for £128.13, and it’s powered by a quad-core 1.2GHz CPU with 16GB internal storage, 1GB RAM and a 7″ 1280×800 pixel …

Deal – Get an Oppo N1 looky-likey for not much cash at all actually

Since I bought the Samsung Galaxy S4 clone from the guys at GearBest they’ve been pretty happy with the publicity. So much so, that they’ve given us a special coupon code, just for our loyal, intelligent, handsome readers. Right now they have an upgraded version of the iNEW …

Lumia 930 offered up across the UK

We’ve had a number of companies in touch about this handset and the offers they’re running on it. If you’re following us on Twitter or checking the site regularly, you’ll already know about the EE deal, but here’s a run-down .. EE For a limited time, EE is …

Saving a few quid on your purchases

Getting yourself a good deal, it’s always a bit of a minefield. You’ll no doubt have seen people in supermarkets, clothes and electronics stores using their phones to get a better deal on items they’re looking at in store. What apps are they using? How are they comparing …

Cheap physical button for your audio hole

Just a few days ago we published our look at Pressy. It is, if you’ve not spotted our updates, a button which sits in your 3.5mm audio jack and lets you quickly access apps or functions on your phone. Now, how about getting one that’s almost the same …

Three deal roll-up

We’ve already posted a good deal on the iPhone 5c this morning, but we’ve got some more offers for you. The people at Three have sent us a list of their latest deals and we have to start with the Galaxy S5 really. It’s a handset that we’ve …

Top tips to help you afford the latest gadgets

Here at Coolsmartphone we’ve already had a look at the cheaper smartphones and we’re always quick to let you guys know if there’s a good deal online. However, let’s be honest, for the most part phones are an expensive habit. The old way of getting a handset used …

Yet more Galaxy S5 deals. Get yourself some cashback

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EugL4W2FOBw We’ve already told you about the Samsung Galaxy S5 deals on EE. Yes, there’s the free return flight to Europe and yes, you’ll get getting double-data. However, how’d you like even more? Well, if you sign up for that Quidco and pre-order the Samsung Galaxy S5 with …

OfficeSuite Professional 7 free for today only

If you are looking for a Office editor for your Android or Amazon device today then I recommend you head over to the source link at the end of the article to download this free today. OfficeSuite Professional 7 is a full Office suite with document, spreadsheet and …

Sony Xperia Z2 – The deals

OK, where are we up to now? If you’re looking to get the Sony Xperia Z2, coming early next month, you have a number of options now. Vodafone are going to be selling them, and you can get a free TV if you’re quick. Meanwhile EE have confirmed …

Samsung Galaxy S4 deal on EE – Check before you buy

After a recent visit to the health food shop (Greggs), I passed this advert for the Samsung Galaxy S4 on EE 4G. Straight from the word go, it looks like a great offer. The “No Brainer” deal offers up the Samsung Galaxy S4 for just £18.99 per month. …

£80 Off the Moto X at Clove

Remember the excitement when we heard that the Moto X was heading here to the UK? Remember the disappointment when we heard the release date price for the device was £380? Everyone compared the Moto X to Nexus 5 which was, at the time, a whopping £80 cheaper. …

Amazon giving away £18 worth of apps

Are you a user of Amazon’s own app store ? Well if your a Kindle fire user yes, but what about everyone else ? Did you know that Amazon give away a free app everyday ? Normally these free apps are “up and coming” apps but occasionally Amazon …

Price reduction for the Sony QX10

Just a short few months after release, and following our full review, independent UK retailer Clove Technology have lowered the price of the Sony QX10 camera down to £114 including delivery. It’s available in both black and white and will is a self-contained camera which can be controlled via …

£25 off Kindle Fire purchases till 20th January

Amazon UK was voted number 1 for customer satisfaction over the Christmas period, and to celebrate, any of the Kindle Fire range can be had for £25 off list price. The offer only runs until January 20, and the discount will be applied at checkout with the use …

Try Sony’s streaming music for £3

There’s a wide selection of streaming music services here in the UK. Some are monthly subscription services and others are free but ad-supported. Now Sony have entered the fight for your listening ears by offering all the music you want for just £1 a month as part of …

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7-inch under £120 at Amazon UK

If you’re looking for a good deal on an Android tablet for someone this Christmas, then Amazon might be worth a look. Currently you can pick up the white Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7-inch for just £119.99. Sure, it’s not going to set your pants on fire, but …

Oppo R819 Christmas Bundle for under £170 [Bargain]

Oppo Style, the European distributor of Oppo phones, has put together a Christmas bundle which will be of interest to anyone after a sub-£200 SIM free phone. From now until Wednesday 18th December you are able to buy an Oppo R819 phone with a screen protector and ‘rock’ …

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 – Now less than £100

Normally Tesco sell the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (in either white, red, black or gold brown) for £119 but, when you enter the special code TDX-NHW4 it’ll bring the cost down to just £99. The 7″ WiFi tablet has a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU, 50GB of Dropbox storage, 3 …

Huawei Ascend W2 for under £120 – Bargain

There are two things that really get the blood flowing here at Coolsmartphone Towers. One of them is new toys, and the other is bargains. Now, combine the two and the extra large bottle of smelling salts gets put on standby! This time it’s the new Huawei W2 …

Student discounts on the OPPO R819

Are you a student with a penchant for decent smartphones, but you can’t afford one because your loan ran out during freshers week? Well here’s some good news. OPPO Style, the European distributor of all things OPPO, has got a back to school promotion on! The deal is …

Some rather excellent SIM-only deals to save you money

Saving money. Secretly we all love to do it. Whether it’s a necessity or not, saving a few quid here means that you can have a beer there. Over on HotUKDeals they have a frequently updated thread detailing the latest SIM-only deals. The prices are already low, but …

Samsung 32GB Class 10 SDHC Pro Memory Cards £14.99 – Deal

OK, lets try again! Ebay daily deals have served up a bit of a bargain in the form of Samsung 32GB Class 10 SDHC Pro Memory Cards for only £14.99 instead of their RRP of £49.99! We’ve heard rumours that the normally reliable Sandisk cards have been a …

Free Sony Xperia Z with Sony Bravia televisions

If you’re looking for a new TV and like the sound of free stuff, the this Sony offer may be just what you’re looking for. As of tomorrow, if you buy a Sony Bravia W9 46-inch or 55-inch telly you will get a Sony Xperia Z for absolutely …

Three dish up some cheap May deals

Fancy saving some money? Who doesn’t eh? Right now Three have chopped down the cost of the Sony Xperia T, Nokia Lumia 620 and Samsung Galaxy Ace. It’s purely for this month, but you can get all three on Pay As You Go and ther Xperia T is …

Friday Deals – SwiftKey half price

Let’s save a bit of money shall we? Deals are great, so today we’re having a hunt for deals. First, if you’re finding that entering texts or writing emails is a bit fiddly on your Android phone, try SwiftKey. It’ll speed up your typing and learns words as …

Free EE 4G SIM with one month free – Give it a try while you can

You’ve heard all the kerfuffle about the new 4G network from EE. You’ve seen Kevin Bacon walking around with his phone and you’ve checked the EE coverage maps. Now is your very last chance to give the network a spin for nothing. Right now, provided you’ve got a …

Pick up some Christmas bargains at Expansys – updated

Are you looking to buy a bit of mobile technology for your nearest and dearest this Christmas? Well, the presents may not be as dear as you think. If you pop on over to Expansys between now and Monday 3rd December you could pick yourself up a bargain. …

[DEAL] Grab Forza Motorsport 4 for £12.95

Have you got an Xbox 360, but you haven’t got Forza 4 yet? Well, now may be the time to get a copy – the nearly 1-year old game is available from £12.95 from Zavvi. Although Forza Horizon *is* due for release shortly, I still think that Forza 4 will …

Windows Phone Friday deals

We’ve spied a couple of pretty great deals if you’re up for a new Windows Phone handset. First up, down at Asda, they’ve got the Nokia Lumia 800 for just £149. I mean sure, the Windows Phone 7 OS is going to be replaced in a matter of …

Humble Indie Bundle 6 Now Out

Good news! The Humble Indie Bundle 6 is now available to buy from https://www.humblebundle.com/. The Humble Indie Bundle (or Humble Bundle for short) is a promotion where, for two weeks, you pay what you want for a selection of indie games – and a portion of the profits go …

Sony Xperia Go now available for £199.99

The boys at eXpansys have promised us a brand new tablet if we pimp the heck out of this, so here goes (OK, they haven’t. but we can dream eh?) The Sony Xperia Go is now up for £199.99 on their site. That’s unlocked, and cheaper than the …

Motorola Madness, reductions on phones and tablets

Over at Expansys they are having a bit of a sale on certain Motorla products. Over the last few weeks the prices of the Motoluxe, the Razr and the Xoom media editions have been slowly dropping. Mainly due to a slow upgrade schedule from Motorola, along with new …

Deal Alert: Desire C £99 (and many more!)

The Carphone Warehouse Summer Sale started today and it looks rather good – much better than the O2 “secret” sale earlier this week! Highlights of the sale include the HTC Desire C for £99, the Motorola XOOM 2 Media Edition from £199 and various contract deals (Galaxy S3 …