Tag: portable

Movpower Portable Charger – Review

So on Tuesday we added a post about the Movpower 5200 Portable Charger. I decided to get one. There’s another version available but this baby has a capacity of 5200mAh. That’s quite a bit. The Samsung Galaxy Note has a 2500mAh battery, which is hefty enough, so this …

Flat battery? Nowhere near a charging point? Have a looksie at this

Have a look around you next time you’re at an airport. You’re bound to see someone in a suit hunting around for a power socket. Why? Well, sadly our modern gadgets don’t quite have that one-month battery life we’d all like. Whilst prepping for our yearly trip to …

Cheaper MiFi – Huawei E5331

My nan wants to get online so that she can email her daughters. It’s a simple request and she already has a laptop, but she doesn’t want any “messing” with her phone line and she takes the laptop wherever she goes. This could be my solution. The new …

Review – The Standeazy

Stands. They’re always a touchy subject here at Coolsmartphone. There’s usually a couple of things you have to put up with when you’re looking for one. For a start there’s a selection of stands and base units which you may have to carefully select to suit your specific …

Tivizen Digital TV Receiver review

This diddy little gadget is called the Tivizen Digital TV receiver. It’s surprisingly small, about the size of a credit card and the thickness of a normal smartphone. Put simply, this just grabs TV signals and then pumps them out over a WiFi hotspot that it creates. You …