Tag: rom
We’re quickly becoming accustomed to the fact that companies communicate to their customers through Facebook so here’s another update from the HTC page. Following the earlier confusion there’s confirmation once more that the HTC Desire will get Gingerbread and the even better news that it’ll arrive before the …
Three UK have announced this morning the 2.3 Gingerbread update is now available to HTC Desire HD customers (just to avoid confusion this is ONLY for the HD and NOT the original HTC Desire). This is a free OTA (Over the Air) update so will not need a …
There were some early delays and to updates on the X10 devices last year but, following an announcement last month, Android 2.3 updates are set to roll from August. The “generic” devices (those which aren’t direct from a network / carrier) will be first with others to follow …
As usual the clever guys over at XDA developers have ported a ROM from a new device to a slightly older device. This time they have took a ROM from the HTC Flyer and installed it on the Desire HD. A few bugs with the rom are reported, …
If you read our HTC Desire S review then you’ll no doubt have seen the all-new version of Android 2.3.3 with the update HTC Sense interface. It’s something that existing HTC Desire owners can now crow-bar into their phones courtesy of 911Sniper. The big warning sticker saying, “TEST …