Tag: windows phone software
Paragon Software have released their new apllication - Handy Converter. It's a currency and unit calculation and converter for the Smartphone (Windows Mobile Standard). It features a quick and easy conversion of currency in 57 world currencies with d...
WebEx has launched PCNow 3.0 which gives phone-to-PC access plus PC-to-PC access. With this software you can securely access your PC across an internet connection. It's pretty cheap to - from just £6.35 per month for two PCs it's less than half the p...
jB5 is a new browser from the guys at Jataayu. Open a free account and download it here for nothing. It's a slick and nimble browser which works extremely well on the Smartphone (Windows Mobile Standard) interface.As usual here at CoolSmartPhone we do...
Teksoft Bluemusic have released the latest version of their software. Version 2 now includes the ability to disable ringtones while Bluemusic is on, resume your Bluetooth Audio Playback straight after a phone call plus much more. Bluemusic also com...
This is Didiom or "DIgital DIstribution Of Music". It's a free application which provides a fun way to search, sample, buy and download music on your mobile. I've just given it a try - although my phone wasn't shown on their site (I'm using the Orange...
Orneta have just announced the availability of Explorer Mobile 2007 which they say is the "fastest file viewer and manager available for Windows Mobile based devices". Costing around $14.99 (£7.65) it's a replacement or new file manager which allows ...
You may remember how Emoze recently confronted Blackberry and said, "Let's 'av it!!" Why? Well, at the recent 3GSM conference they staged a showdown to see who gets their emails quicker and more securely. Here's a shot of the event - two men were stan...
Want your Smartphone to look all Vista-like ? Well now you can, thanks to JGUI's Vista Skin. Designed for Microsoft Smartphone devices with landscape screens it should also work on other screen formats, so why not give it a try on yours? It's free and...
Following "4.5 Beta 2", which has been around for a few months, Microsoft have now release ActiveSync 4.5. If you want your Windows Mobile and PC to get hooked up you'll need this (or Windows Mobile Device Center if you're Vista'd). The changes in Act...
At this time of year you will no doubt have seen many people driving along with TomTom satnav units stuck to their windscreens. It's all very nice but it can be a little expensive, so imagine my surprise when the guys at smart2go said, "Hey, we do a …
Last week we ran a story showing a video battle between Windows Mobile and the iPhone. In the end Windows Mobile was declared the winner, but wait - what was that funky widget thing ? It looked almost as if Yahoo! widgets or Vista had fell onto a …
Viewing Office documents on Windows Mobile Smartphones is easy - you just use ClearVue right? Sure, but what if you want to edit those documents? Ooooo... tricky.. Documents To Go is the first and only mobile office editor for Windows Mobile 5.0 Smar...
Hey, this is a fun day isn't it? Windows Mobile handsets everywhere ! Now Microsoft themselves are keen to add the icing on the cake with the launch of Windows Mobile Live. It brings Live Mail, Live Search, Space and Live Messenger and should be appea...
To most people the idea of "push email" is quickly dismissed when they read the weighty Microsoft documentation about it. I've had so many people tell me... "Why isn't it as quick to setup as the BlackBerry my mate has? I don't want to setup an Exchan...
Mike Shire has just emailed to remind me of an excellent piece of software called True Connect. We last covered this when it was at version 1.1, however it's now at version 2.0 and 2.1 is right around the corner to provide text messaging integration w...
Astarware.com have announced their new game, Hammer Heads. You'll probably have already played this game for real in the local arcade. You know the sort of thing - the gnomes pop up and up bash them on the head as quick as you can. Available now for t...
A lot of people have recently done stories about Google Maps Mobile so I thought I'd give it a try. I installed it by browsing to www.google.com/gmm on my Windows Mobile phone and installing the CAB. It's so simple to use and there's a bag of options ...
Last night I was chatting with a mate about what software he had installed on his QTek 9000 (which, by the way, looks to have been removed by
If you're lucky enough to have a decent enough graphics card, plenty of memory and a copy of Windows Vista then you'll know that the whole ActiveSync experience has changed. With Vista your mobile device is recognised the minute you plug it into the U...
Although I'm back in the UK my head isn't entirely sure where I am, so I figured that I'd check out GPSGate.com. It's a GPS mapping portal which lets friends share their live location with other personally approved "buddies". The GPSGate people say it...
The guys at Teksoft posted a news item about CapturePro in our forum. This Desktop PC application will let you easily grab screenshots from you Pocket PC or Smartphone. You also get Mobile Device CapturePro included in the deal, which lets you grab s...
Keni has emailed in after spotting recent news on upgrades to the HTC Hermes / HTC TyTn handsets. He's had a chat with the guys at Vodafone and they've advised him that the AKU3.3 Firmware is currently being tested and should launch soon. If you've go...
If, like me, you need telnet or SSH access into a server then you'll be used to using tools like Putty and secureCRT on your PC. For Windows Mobile you should definitely check out zaTelnet, which has support for telnet, SSH1 and now SSH2. There's two ...
WM Soft have released a freeware application called Export Contacts which will create a HTML or XML file with more than 50 properties, including photos and ringtones. Although your contact details are effectively backed up when you synchronise, this f...
The 3GSM World Congress is coming up in Barcelona soon and you can bet there'll be plenty of new phones on display. Our friends at Emoze have an interesting plan for the event. You may remember their easy-to-setup push-email system we mentioned a few ...
Netwasp have announced the acquisition of the software business “ThemeMaker” from KamWare. “ThemeMaker is widely recognized as the best Windows Mobile theme creation tool available today”, says Jim Hunt (Netwasp CEO), “so we see this as a ...
If you've read our Vodadone Treo 750v review then you'll no doubt be aware how highly we think of it. The text messaging application stood out as a pioneering and ideal solution to tracking conversations with people. Due to the popularity of it there ...
If you're on the go and in the mood for some gaming fun then check out the new service from Astraware.com. Simply browse to www.astraware.com mobile device and you'll be transported to a magical mobile flavour of the site where you can easily browse a...
Check this out. You're looking at K-Rally. This amazing 3D top-down racing game has astounded all those who've played it. PocketGamer says of this game... "There is just no comparison: K-Rally simply blasts them both away in almost every respect. K-Ra...
I don't know about you but I'd be completely lost without Notepad on my PC - I use it for making notes, writing articles and stories. It's simple and easy to use (just like me, some would say). If you're looking for something similar on your Windows M...
FPSEce.net have released the newest version of their Playstation X/1 Emulator for Windows Mobile. This free software, once installed and fed the appropriate BIOS and ISO, will let you play Playstation games on your Pocket PC. There's a list of compati...
It's Christmas so it's an ideal time to mention ChristMassMessage (geddit?). This is a brilliant application which lets you send texts out to groups of numbers. It's something I've been wanting for years from Microsoft but you can now get it free (a d...
This weekend there'll no doubt be thousands of people running around attempting to get those last-minute Christmas gifts for friends and family. Usually you'll probably end up with something really naff like a pair of socks or a hat and scarf set, but...
Do you have a Windows Media Center and a Windows Mobile phone? Yes? Well listen up! Makayama Mobile TV Center lets you watch your recorded Windows Media TV shows on more than 500 mobile devices. Install the software on your Windows Media Center PC t...
Most of us will have already suffered the pain of rubbish singers and C-list celebs like Jordan who decide to make their pop songs slightly less awful by pitch-bending and regulating their voices through a computer. Step forth singtone.com, who will m...
Eric has just emailed in about a new game called Ballistic. Available to try or buy (£4.06) you have the deceptively simple task of getting the ball into the pot. To make things a bit trickier you've got moving platforms, explosions, homing missiles ...
Do you want to get into Today screen or Home screen design? Well, look no further than the PhoneThemes Studio toolkit. Hundreds of people were involved in beta tests for the application so it's already tried and tested. PhoneThemes Studio is a one-sto...
Everybody has heard of Skype. Thanks to Skype I called the UK from Boston and Seattle for hours on end and yet it only cost me about £6. All it took was a Pocket PC and a WiFi connection, however it's now properly available for the Smartphone too. …
I'm guessing that a lot of alcohol was consumed in the making of this new promo video from our friends at ClickApps and ClickGamer, however we're prepared go with it because they're promoting "Snowed In 5 - Flaked Out". It's now available for Windows ...
GadgetApps have just released GA Ringtone Manager. For just £3.02 you can get this easy-to-use program which lets you add, change or remove ringtones on your Smartphone. MP3, WMA, WAV or MIDI files are supported as ringtones plus you can also tweak y...