Tag: windows phone
After MWC and the release of lots of new phones, many people are talking about what their next phone will be. Myself and the rest of the team at Coolsmartphone.com are no different, and most of the debate has been around the new Sony’s and HTC’s. Personally I …
Hmmm… Reviews for the Nokia Lumia 900 over in the USA are certainly mixed. What seems to be coming across isn’t necessarily the hardware either. The specs aren’t as good as other handsets, but Windows Phone doesn’t necessarily need it. Strangely, over here in Europe, the Nokia Lumia …
Figures recently released  by comScore reveal a telling story regarding market share for the major smartphone manufacturers in the United States. Perhaps the biggest suprise is the fall of Microsoft’s share of the market from 5.2% in November ’11 to only 3.9% in Februrary ’12. Microsoft can only …
Before I start I must express now that this article contains mostly opinion. Right, now that’s said we can continue. 🙂 I have had a lot of phones…. Blackberrys, an iPhone, Androids and even the short lived HP Pre3 (another time) but the newest bit of tech to …
Expansys are having one of their never ending clearance sales. As usual there is a item that caught my eye. It was the LG Optimus 7. They have reduced it to £149.99, which for the spec is quite a good deal. The Optimus 7 also has 16gb internal …
Woah, it’s been just minutes since we complained that only SIM-free Lumia 800’s were currently getting updated and pow, Three are now pushing it out to their Lumia 800 phones. Their support pages detail the improvements, but the key enhancement has to be the extra battery life. There’s …
Over the last few weeks we have been hearing rumors about the next update for the Nokia Lumia 800. The main feature is the extra battery life. They have apparently improved the bass in music playback as well. Nokia have put up a web page that shows you …
So, following our earlier story, Microsoft are now trying to make amends with Sahas Katta. He won a “Smoked by Windows Phone” challenge with his Android-powered Galaxy Nexus. Microsoft are trying to make amends by offering up a laptop and phone. Many on Twitter have already congratulated Microsoft, …
In Barcelona we saw Microsoft doing the “Smoked by” challenge daily. The rather minimalist stand had this white-board showing the winners and losers. The winners bagged some cash and the losers probably thought that Windows Phone was better. Is it? Well, that’s personal preference, but the whole “challenge” …
Mobile World Congress always shows us just how the mobile OS’s are performing in the marketplace. We saw for ourselves that the Google Android stand was full of people and the Windows Phone stand was perhaps a little more subdued. Sure, it goes without saying that Windows Phone …
We first heard about the “Angry Birds Space” a couple of weeks ago and there was a notable omission in the supported OS’s. Our exact words at the time were.. Set your alarm for March 22nd people… Oh .. and if you’ve got a Windows Phone… Ermmm… Look! …
Adverts. Nobody really likes them, especially those foreign ones that get badly re-dubbed in English. On your mobile they can, according to a report picked up by the BBC, suck a lot more battery life too. By running constantly in the background and offering “helpful offers and reminders” …
Back in February last year Symbian had a 12.4% share of the smartphone market here in the UK. Now, according to figures by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, this has now dropped to 2.4%. The 10% drop means that Windows Phone 7 has now … just…. overtaken the Symbian OS. …
Another Nokia Lumia device ? Yes indeed, if this shot is to be believed anyways. The Nokia Lumua 719c looks to be another entry-level device but we don’t have a great deal of info at the moment… Link – baidu.com Credit – MyNokiaBlog
Google. An amazing company. Amazing products, an amazing experience. However, their customer service has always been a massive fail. I’ve seen websites vanish from Google after getting removed from search listings and, for over 10 years now, we’ve tried unsuccessfully to get into Google News, every time with …
If you bought The Sun this Saturday then you might have seen one of the SEVEN massive Nokia Lumia advertisements. There’s an advert for the Android-powered Galaxy in there too, but its mostly Windows Phone all the way. Link – Phones 4U
We seem to be finding a good selection of cheap Windows Phones lately. Now it’s the turn of the HTC Radar, which has been reduced to £199 on eBuyer. The Radar has 8GB of storage on board, a 3.8″ screen, 5 megapixel camera and 1GHz CPU. Link – …
So, someone somewhere apparently decided to brand Windows Phone “Tango” as “Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh”. The details have come out during an interview with that WindowsPhoneItaly conducted with Stefania Duico from Microsoft Italy. Now, turn the clock back to 2010 when “Windows Phone 7 Series” was launched. Shortly …
Had notification this morning that my Lumia 800 phone has a o/s update which now takes it to 7.10.8107.79 this fixes the frustrationg dissapearing keyboard among other things as well. Full list of fixes below On-screen keyboard. Fixes an issue to prevent the keyboard from disappearing during typing. …
After a brief break from the Windows Phone Marketplace, due to some issues with the name TV Guide+ is back. It is a full Sky+ remote record and TV guide app. It is free as well which is also nice. App features Full 7 day Sky TV Listings, …
Remember this stonking 41mp monster Nokia announced last week at Mobile World Congress? Well it appears Nokia’s Jo Harlow has all but confirmed the company are using that technology in upcoming Windows Phones. The actual quote is “I can’t say precisely when, but it will not take very long.” …
Although I’m a self-proclaimed mobile gadgets maniac, somehow I don’t usually follow major events in the industry as closely as perhaps I should. However, since I’m looking to replace my current HTC Desire Z sometime soon’ish, I was keeping an extra eye on the recent happenings at Mobile …
The Lumia 900 is not a handset which was announced at Mobile World Congress this year, it was announced at CES in Las Vegas back in January as a AT&T LTE exclusive device for their new network. What Nokia have done though is replace the LTE radio with …
So Dan has got some great hands-on time over the last days and has uploaded some great pictures following the announcement. There’s also some great Lumia 900 shots too. We were both taking photos without realising it, so I’ve ended up with a number of additional photos which …
Microsoft don’t really have a booth if I’m honest. They don’t even have a stand. Sure, they’re displaying the latest phones running Windows Phone, plus some older ones too. I took a look at the Fujitsu IS12T yesterday, which is one of the 8 on show. This year …
Over the last few weeks Expansys have been dropping the prices on various different devices. The latest price drop is on the Jill Sanders Windows Phone. They are now selling it for £169.99 Inc vat which you can get here. Mark reviewed the Jill Sanders phone aswell, and …
So, you’ve got the major players here in Barcelona. HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola, Nokia and the new boys – Sony Mobile. Then there’s the people close behind, Acer, Asus, Huawei and ZTE are becoming more well known. Huawei in particular have been behind a lot of network-branded kit …
ZTE are no strangers to Windows Phone. They already have the well-priced ZTE Tania and seem to be pushing further with the Windows Phone OS thanks to this, the ZTE Orbit. As I said in my other ZTE post, there’s a definite improvement in build quality and design …
During the Nokia event this morning they announced that Skype is in beta as a free download for their devices so you can finally keep in touch worldwide at super low prices. It had been rumored that Skype was coming on Windows Phone for a little while now, …
Another ZTE handset announced today was the Orbit – a Windows Phone handset to go alongside their existing ZTE Tania that we looked at last month. It’ll be available in the second quarter of this year. Powered by Windows Phone the ZTE Orbit will have 4GB of memory, …
Nokia have just announced the Lumia 900 will ship worldwide from April starting in Canada. Unlocked-mobiles will be selling it for £445.98 and it’s due to arrive on May 21st, so there’s a bit of a wait yet.. It’ll be available in black, cyan and white and has …
BGR.in appear to have a bit more information on the Nokia 610, which we’re expecting to get final details on tomorrow morning. Their moles reckon that it’ll have a 3.2″ display and a 3 megapixel camera. Apparently this will go on sale for around €175. We’ll be live …
The latest Gartner figures are out and, for Microsoft, they’re probably best ignored. Less than 3 million Windows Phones sold worldwide for a Q4 1.9% market share, down from last year’s Q4 of 3.4%. Windows Phone,market share is still lower than the Bada OS. Although this was to …
It looks like ZTE are upping their game with 8 new devices to be announced or shown off at this years Mobile World Congress. The event kicks off in just a few days time in Barcelona and we’ll be on site with the latest news. ZTE really are …
Nokia are teasing us with their new camera technology here, and we fully expect to see more over the coming days. Smartphone cameras always been fairly “OK” until recently and out looks like Nokia are about to set the bar a little higher. The video includes lots of …
What is it? It’s only just a flippin Google Music client for Windows Phone. The more observant of you out there may now that I use both Android and Windows Phone on a daily basis. Several things are daily essentials for me. Phone, Text messages, Email, Twitter, Google+, …
Russian website wp7forum.ru appear to have shots and information about the upcoming Windows Phone Tango release. They highlight a number of changes, including the support of additional countries, an increase on the amount of preloaded apps (from 16 to 40), SIM contact management and importing (ideal for new …
The folks at Techradar have reported today that Nokia is due to launch another Lumia handset, the 610. This handset is to be a budget phone, possibly ‘pay as you go’ only. The forthcoming Windows Update ‘Tango’ is alleged to be responsible for making this happen, dropping the RAM …
So, we’d already seen a render but now someone has gone ahead and splashed the actual device onto their site. Doah. This is the LG Fantasy, aka the E740, aka the LG Miracle. Powered by Windows Phone it’ll have a 1GHz CPU under the hood and a two …
There is something special about white phones, I don’t know why, they just feel special. It all started with my white HTC Hero, then my white Samsung Galaxy S2 then a brief stint with a white Samsung Nexus S, a white Acer Aspire one and a white Sony …