Tag: windows phone
Phones. Microsoft used to be all over them. Businesses used Pocket PC’s, the Microsoft Smartphone would be in the pockets of many and the company was riding high. Then the iPhone happened and, after ignoring the threat and eventually trying to steer the ship around, Microsoft were looking …
One of my favourite things about the mobile industry and sites such as ours is the way that leaked blurry and unrecognisable images keep us guessing at the great new phone around the corner. The Lumia 1020 was released in July 2013 to great fanfare, primarily because of its …
Here is the smartphone market share according to IDC. Have a look at that purple line. That’s Windows Phone. As you can see, for 3 years, it’s not really moved a great deal. I’m not going to say anything more about that. I wish Windows Phone was more …
We’ve been covering smartphones since the Orange SPV and Microsoft Smartphone 2002. That, along with Microsoft Pocket PC, eventually became Windows Mobile 2003, then Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.5 and then we had the whole “Windows Phone 7 Series” launch that …
In a few days people will be going out to vote in the General Election. There’s going to be far, far less people walking the several hundred yards to the polling station than if it was a text-in vote on X-Factor. This time though, for the first time …
According to a report on TechCrunch, Microsoft has announced that it is collaborating with Chinese Phone manufacturer Xiaomi. They will be providing some customers that currently own the Mi 4 devcie with a flashable ROM that allows them install and run Windows 10 phone version on their devices. Neither Microsoft …
A lot of buzz surrounded YEZZ this week, mainly because they were discussing and displaying Project ARA components on their stand, but for me I knew they have a range of Windows Phones and I thought I’d have a play. On their display they had their existing Billy …
Kazam have been touting there latest Android devices here at MWC this year, I was passing their stand and spotted something, it was a bright yellow phone. Yes I have found another bright yellow phone. It had me hooked and I just had to go in and have …
Earlier on today we were at the Microsoft event where Stephen Elop and co announced the Lumia 640, the 640 XL and a bluetooth keyboard that actually works with Windows Phone. At the time details about the devices were sparse. We’ve since had the official press release and …
Today Acer announced a range of new devices. They announced the Liquid Jade Z, the Liquid Z220, the Liquid Z520, the Windows Phone based M220 and the multi OS Acer Liquid Leap+ smartband. They decided to make the event open to the public and they chose the smallest …
The reaction to the announcement of the Pebble Time has been nothing short of amazing. Support has far exceeded the expected financial target and even amongst those who write for this site, a generally unexcitable bunch, there has been widespread enthusiasm and buzz (evident in the number of …
It’s fair to say that KAZAM are the new boys on the block. We were almost buried in their range of handsets at MWC last year but they’ve since got Tulisa promoting their ultra-thin Tornado 348 which, we have to say, is rather nice. Today they’ve introduced six …
Let me start by saying this: I have been an Android user from the very beginnings. My first Android phone was the T-Mobile G1 way back in 2008. So I haven’t really used any other operating systems. Yes, I have had a little play with iOS and Windows Phones …
Today Microsoft announced that the Lumia 535 will be available here in the UK. The device will be available from the following retailers: Amazon, Tesco, O2, Carphone Warehouse and Virgin, and in a striking range of colours including green, orange, white, dark grey, cyan and black. The spec’s of the …
I’ve been a Windows Phone fan/user for years now and I’ve often ended up in discussions with Android and iOS users listening to why I should use their favourite OS and not Windows Phone. During that lecture I often hear “big developers like Dropbox haven’t even got an …
Windows Phone 8.1 is officially on the condemned list. Microsoft today held a media briefing and announced that Windows Phone is to be fully integrated into the Windows fold when Windows 10 is released later this year. There will be two new versions of Windows, the only difference …
Reader’s beware: this is very much a first world problem! Nonetheless, for those interested in tech matters it is a real issue. So, without further ado, here’s my story. Much has been written lately about long-time Windows Phone users switching to other platforms. This article blames the update …
Well this guy just takes the biscuit. There was me, pedalling on a mountain bike from London to Paris a few months ago for charity. I was pretty impressed with myself, but no – this guy has done a loop-the-loop on his bike. Pah… not fair. Microsoft, as …
You’ve seen the iPhone and iPod adverts. They’ve been copied quite heavily by other manufacturers. You’ve seen the Windows Phone ads too, which are currently pushing Cortana quite heavily and showing how it performs up against Siri.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYZ5gAQMJg8 But, at the moment for me at least, the raft …
Nokia would like as many people as possible to get a Windows Phone in their hands and enjoy the experience. In fact Microsoft would also like that as it helps build out their platform even further, which is why the two companies working together under the Microsoft brand going …
Bear with me here, because I’m in a rather strange mood after listening to a pirate radio DJ shouting “Oh my days” several times this morning and “Oi Oi” quite a lot. I think it’s gone to my head. Nokia, as you’ll know already, is dead. We all …
Chinese phone manufacturer OnePlus is believed to be releasing another device – possibly the OnePlus Two in early 2015. Following a recent meeting with Microsoft, it’s rumoured that they could be considering using the Windows Phone operating system. In a recent interview with India’s Economic Times they stated …
If you read the site often then you’ll probably already know that Microsoft have been making quite a bit of money from Android. Various amounts have been mentioned over the years, but now we have some concrete figures – from Samsung at least. Samsung alone was giving Microsoft …
The first pre-orders for the Lumia 830 are being despatched today. Last week we detailed some of the prices for the phone, but for anyone looking to purchase it the best deal at the moment is with, wait for it, Woolworths. Yes, the long forgotten face of …
Budget Windows phones have previously performed pretty well for Microsoft and now there’s a phone company called “BLU” selling cheap Windows Phone devices (or Windows phones as I guess we have to call them now) on Amazon. The first device is called the “Win HD” and has 1GB …
A decent camera is something most of us want, myself included. Let’s not forget that we used to use small 5 megapixel lenses that would never be able to replace a point and shoot camera. Thankfully Nokia were one company who decided to focus on this area, no …
Picked up by Neowin, this is a small peek at a new phone by a company called My Go. The handset itself should be the bigger story here, but no. It’s what’s missing. The unreleased smartphone is a 4.7″ device powered by Windows Phone 8.1 but, as we …
I admit from the outset that despite being a mobile phone addict, I have never been tempted by the iPhone. The iPhone announcement did little to increase my enthusiasm. I am, on the other hand, quite a supporter of the Windows Phone OS. Observing the difference of opinions …
I’m always banging on about it, but brand is a major fact when people are buying a phone. Buy an iPhone and the Apple logo on the back is part of what you’re after. Say “Nokia” to someone and, unfortunately, a lot of people will think of something …
Innovation is a much abused word these days, manufacturers toss the word around like many other clichéd words and phrases in their press releases and promotional materials, sales reps blurt it out regarding every last tiny feature whatever they are trying to sell has. Even I’m contributing to …
If you’re got a Lumia handset then you’ll probably already be familiar with the Lumia Cyan Update. However, coming in Q4 on the 930 you’ll be getting another update – Lumia Denim. The update will be rolling out with the Lumia 830, Lumia 730 Dual SIM and Lumia …
Having a fancy camera phone is great, but if it’s too expensive then people could go for a cheaper option. That’s the thinking from Microsoft at least, who have today announced new Nokia Lumia kit at “more accessible” price points. The 830 is known as their “affordable flagship” …
Remember the guys at KAZAM? We went to meet them at Mobile World Congress earlier in the year and took inside their pretty substantial toy box. They offer a wide range of Android phones including octo-core handsets and there’s a couple of ex-HTC bods at the helm. Now …
Those on Windows Phone continue to suffer from app withdrawal. More often than not common apps are now available on the OS, but more often than not these are not the fully developed versions available on Android or iOS. Case in point: in May Spotify released an official app …
We’ve previously reported here how those who had opted to install the Developer’s Preview of Windows Phone 8.1 had been unable to install the Lumia Cyan firmware. True to its word, Microsoft has (finally!) resolved whatever the glitch was and Lumia Cyan can now be installed. The usual …
Despite some critical headlines, we can’t stop coming back to the guys at Huawei. Their smartphone shipments show no sign of slowing down – 52 million smartphones were shipped last year and they’re the third largest smartphone manufacturer. We were impressed with the P6, their flagship, and the …
Yes Windows Phone fans the day has arrived, the day that a new viable alternative to a Nokia arrived on the scene and it’s made by HTC. In a move that has been leaked and discussed at length they’ve basically took the HTC One M8 and installed Windows …
The Nokia Lumia 530 will be the lowest spec and cheapest Windows Phone 8.1 available and it’s going to be available soon. For some reason I’m a little bit excited. Spec wise it is predictably basic. – Processor type: Quad-core 1.2GHz. – Processor name: Qualcomm Snapdragon™ 200. – …
Blugri Software have been making some of the better games for Windows Phone for quite a while now. The latest has just been published on the Windows Phone Store. It’s called Buzz Bee, your role is to be the bee. You basically fly the bee around dodging obstacles. …
Well. In what can only be described as a “sudden” decision, Skype for Windows Phone 7 is about to be turned off. Microsoft, who own Skype and have probably already annoyed the healthy percentage of Windows Phone customers still using version 7 enough already (complete lack of upgrade …